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"Lexi" I turn over covering my head.

"Lexi get up now"

"Go away Bel"

"Asher told me to wake you up"

"Tell Ash to jump off a cliff"

"It's about Saph" I uncover my face and look up at my annoying baby sister. She's only two minutes younger but still.

"Get up" she says one last time and I get up while she walks out of my room to possibly wake up the rest of my brothers or to tell Ash I'm awake.

"Good your awake so glad you could join us sleeping beauty" Ace jokes and I flip him off.

"What's this about Ash"

"Bella want to tell them" Bel nods yes and starts explaining everything she knows about Sapphire and when was the last time she talked to or seen her.

"Why the hell didn't you come to us about this sooner" Ares all but growls at her.

"Look I was able to track her phone I could of just went alone but for some twisted reason I came to you assholes now if you want to help me find her do so if not fuck you guys all and I hope your ducks fall off"

Wow that's fucked up but that's Bel for you she's always been the one with a sailor mouth.

"Where does her phone place her" Aah asks.

Bel bits her lip which is a tell she's thinking.
"Um well it places her about two miles away from pops old estate" what oh hell no if mom or our dads find out were going anywhere near there they'll kick our asses.

"Where not supposed to go there or anywhere near it" Ace states.

Bel walks out of the room and we all follow behind her. Bel marches down the hall turning left down to our parents wing of the house.



She reaches our parents bedroom door and just walks in then stops in her tracks.

"Auu yessss"

"What the"

"What the fuck are you doing in here and haven't you heard of knocking"

My dad Roman says balls deep in our mom which is something I'm never going to get out of my head ever. Slowly My dad Dimitri pulls moms head off of yeah you know what use your imagination I'm not giving you any details.

"Get out we'll call when you can come in" mom says with a raspy voice.

"Fucking hell Bel now I'm going to need to go to therapy for the rest of my life"

"Shit up Alex it's not like you've never walked in on them before" Ace laughs.

"That was different it was only one of them not both of them"

The door opens and mom motions us to come in.

"Now Arabella what was so important you had to just waltz right in here" mom asks in a strict manner.

"Um ok first off how come you get to have a tattoo on your ass but I can't get one on my thigh"

"BEL"  I yell and she shuts up.

"Okay so it's like this my best friend has gone missing, her brother has been beating her up for the last three years or at least that's what she told me and must of done something to her because I haven't seen her since Friday at school. I checked her phone and at first got nothing but then I remembered aunt Raven saying that a phones tracking can be turned on once you hack into the company system and turn it back on so I did that and now I know where her phone is b"

"Ara breath and get to the point your rambling" dad Dimitri calmly tells her but I can see the worry on his face.

This is like what happened to mom when she was pregnant with Ares and Ace she went missing and her past was full off abuse.

"Well her phone places it or her two miles away from Colonia Sangrati"

Mom takes in a sharp breath and both of our dads start cursing under their breath.

"Alex, Ace, Asher and Ares suit up Bella you to" mom says and both our dads look at her like she's gone crazy.

"Indigo what the hell are you thinking" dad Roman asks mom.

"This girl need our help god only knows what happened to her and I don't  care what you two say this is my call so either suit up with your kids or stay the fuck here jerking off" wow moms pissed. This is awesome.

Like two little boys both of my dads pout and head out of the room following behind mom like two lost puppies.

Speeding down the abandoned road that leads to the estate known as Colonia Sangrati Ace steps on the brakes and the car skids along the dirt road a bit.

"Alex, Bella get out and scout out ahead" me and Bel jump out and start scanning the road and tree lines to the left and right tell something catches my eye off to the right side.

I signal Bel to stand back and she does as I slowly walk over to inspect what it could be. There lying on the ground covered in blood and dirt is Sapphire.

"I FOUND HER"  running to her side I carefully scoop her up onto my lap and try to get her to wake up.

"Hey hey Sapphire I need you to open your eyes" I feel her neck and I can feel her pulse it's slow but it's there which for now is a good sign.

She's beaten bad her face is swollen and black and blue, her clothes are ripped to shreds and there's a hand mark around her neck.

Picking her up carefully I walk up the small hill and past my brothers, sister and parents. I see their mouths moving so I know their talking but I can't hear them.

It's like my mind has completely shut off to everyone and everything but the small girl in my arms. I climbed into the back seat and Ace gets I the diver's seat.

Coughing she's coughing, looking down I see her eyes flutter then her soft voice reaches my ears.


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