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Waiting outside my Angel's hospital room I can't help but feel like this was meant to be some kind of a warning. It's as if someone is trying to tell us that they're the ones calling all the shots and have us backed into a corner.

What that person doesn't know is that for the girl laying in that hospital bed I'll burn down the whole fucking planet. We all will.

Who ever is behind all of this will pay.

After two hours of waiting the dr finally let's us all in to see Sapphire "Hi" her soft beautiful voice says just above a whisper.

"Hi angel" kissing her on the head I sit next to her on the bed and she lays her head on my lap.

"Princess I know this isn't the time to ask this but what happened" Alex beat us all to the question.

"I left Alec and Alex and went to my room to scold myself for chickening out on what I was going to tell them and figured I'd take a nice long super hot bath to relax so I started filling up the tub and went back into the room to turn on music" she sits up leaning into my side while grabbing Ares' hand as he comes to sit next to her on the other side.

"Wh when I was standing in front of the speaker waiting for my phone to connect I heard a noise in the closet so I went and checked but I didn't see anything, so I shrugged it off and went back to trying to get the stupid speaker to connect but it wouldn't so I left it like that put music on my phone and went back into the bathroom" she takes a deep breath and sits up "after I got into the bath I leaned back and closed my eyes but after a few seconds I felt like I was being watched so I slowly opened my eyes and an and there was this man standing there at first all he did was stare at me but then he leaned down and he pushed me under the water" Alex comes and picked her up then sits back down with her in his arms while Ace whips a tear that slides down her cheek.

"Muñeca  yo-"

"I have to tell you Ares" my girl softly says.

"I was fighting the best I could but he was stronger then me I some how managed to take the mask he had on off and the man let me go. When I came up for air he grabbed me by the hair and tossed me onto the shower, he pulled out a blade things and told me that this was for taking everything from him and he held me down then sat on my back, he grabbed my right arm and then sliced my wrist. I tried to scream again but he slammed my head into to wall when he turned me over" she whips her eyes harshly and stands up.

"He then grabbed my other arm and sliced my wrist I tried to move but I was starting to feel dizzy , he stood up and just watched me for a few seconds before he turned on the shower and turned to walk away but he stoped and said next time I'll slice your throat"

"Sapphire who was he did you get a good look at his face" Ace asks her.

She nods her head and we all wait for her to tell us who it was "Tell us baby who was it" Ares presses.

"Alexi" before the name even registers complete in my mind Ares and Ace rush out of the room like bats out of hell while Alex hugs Sapphire whispering sweet things into her ear.

"Bella and mom will be here with you and there are guards all over this floor and the next one down as well as all the entrances. We'll be back tonight if we can and if not soon okay" I tell her as I bring her into my arms and hug her tight. She says okay and me and Alex leave.

"WHERE IS HE" Ace's voice reaches my ears as we walk into the house and both Alex and I rush to the living room.

Ace is standing over Sergei with his gun pointed at his head " I already told you he left yesterday morning"

"BULLSHIT" Ace yells kicking Sergei in the side.

"THATS ENOUGH" I yell stoping everyone.

Alex walks over and takes the gun from Ace then help Sergei up off the floor.

"Alexi is the one who tried to kill Sapphire" I tell Boris and Sergei just as my dad and papa are walking into the room.

"We had our men follow Alexi and they just sent us the location he was last seen at" papa says handing Ares a tablet.

I walk over and take the tablet from his hands then start reading all the streets and realize that he was at the old King wear house.

"Call Dante and Damitri" I tell Ace who just raises a eyebrow at me so I raise one back and he pulls out his phone and calls.

"If Giana has anything to do with this I'm going to fucking kick your ass Ares" I push the tablet into his chest and walk away.

It's all because of him, if he would of just told that bitch no then she wouldn't of come here and she wouldn't of known who Sapphire was, but then again she would of seen her with us at the dance.

Giana has always been a snake trying to sink her fangs into the family business. After Damian was killed she became a loose cannon wanting to take over for her dads when the true heir is Mason but he never wanted anything to do with that side of the family.

If Alexi is the one who tried to kill her then it's because she will get everything when Sergei steps down, but he said he didn't want to lead the family he said he wanted no part of it.

The more I think about everything that's happened the more questions I have.

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