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We pull up to Sapphires old house and the door swings open revealing Leo. "What the fuck do you want"

"I came to get my things" My princess says with out a tremble or hint of fear in her voice.

"The only way your getting any of your shit is if you pay me for it" Leo looks up to all of us.

"Fuck you Leo" Sapphire snaps and walk past him into the house. The look on his face was priceless.

"Never expected her to say that now did ya" Ace says walking into the house past a fuming Leo.

I wait out side while the others help our girl get her things and the box her mom gave her to keep safe.

"You no she's a fucking whore right" deep breaths Alex just take deep breaths I tell my self so I won't kill this fucking guy.

"She fucking lived every minute of my dick in her ho" BANG

"Ahhhhh FUCK" Leo yells out and the guys run outside guns drawn.

"What the fuck Alex"

"Don't you ever come near her again you fucking got it" Asher pulls me off of Leo.

"NEXT TIME I WONT BE SO NICE" I yell as I'm being pushed into the car.

"What the fuck Alex" again Ace says.

"He had it fucking coming"

"Hey look at me" I lock eyes with hers. "Hi" she laughs causing me to laugh with her wrapping my right arm around her I bring her close to my side.

I've been able to keep my cool when it comes to Leo and I didn't kill him the last time we ran into each other. It was after the dance, I was the first to leave that next morning. I left her there asleep with my brothers while I went and did some more digging on Jacub and what he could want with Sapphire.

Leo was outside the hotel leaning up against Asher's car.


"You know she's not worth it right" I walk over to my car and start to get in.

"She was always daddy's little whore then she became mine" rounding the car I pull out my gun and stick it to his chest pressing it in.

"What the fuck did you just say"

"Aww did my dear sweet sister not tell you" we all knew he had raped her but we didn't know about her dad doing it as well.

"I'm only going to say this once Leo leave her the fuck alone the only reason I'm letting you live is because she hasn't asked me to kill you yet" he chuckles pushing me away.

"Tell her I said hi" with that said he walked away.

Flashback ends...

Pulling up to the hotel we use the back entrance then grab her things and go upstairs.

Putting everything down in the main bedroom we all leave her to go through her things and put what she wants away.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out seeing I have a text from an unknown number.

"Being the girl and the file meet me at Diandros 12am" who the hell is this.

I quickly dial Axel and have him try and track the number.

"Hey" my sweet princess whisper from the stairs and we all turn to look at her. She's been crying.

"What's wrong angel" Asher asks getting up and walking over to her.

"I my, this is what she asked me to keep safe" she holds a blue folder in her hand and a small wooden box.

"I think you guys should see it but first" she steps away from Asher "I need you all to promise that no matter what I'm still yours that you'll still want me"

Her words catch us all of guard. What ever is  in that file must be something bad is she's asking us to promise her that we'll still want her after reading it.


"Promise me please" her voice cracks as she practically begs.

"I promise princess" I stand taking her hand in mine and walk us to the kitchen table.

"I promise" Asher says followed by Ace.

We all look over to Ares who like always has his wheels turning and he's contemplating his answer "I promise muñeca"

Sapphire opens the file and reads the first page.

"Sapphire Jovana Patrovski
Born July 27th, 2004 at 7:32am
Mother Claudia Jovana Patrovski
Father Alexi Vladkov " as soon as Alexis's name came out of her mouth I knew we needed to calm my dads.

Seven years ago Alexi went missing and is still missing, his father and older brother came to the US and asked all the allied families to help search for his son.

My dads are still looking as are many others but to find out that she's his daughter is a big deal.

"I knew who my mother was" she shocks us all.

"Why didn't you tell us before" Ares asks in a question.

"My mother always told me that I needed to keep my true identity and Hera a secret that I'd someone found out who I was that I'd go missing" okay makes sense.

She puts that piece of paper down and grabs another one.

"My dearest love please keep our daughter safe and away from your father and brother. When the time comes and she is ready give this to her and tell her to call. I love you my dove. I've arranged for you to hide with a friend, him and his son are trustworthy. I'll come for you when the time is right"  as she finishes reading the letter a load Bang rings out and the whole room shakes and the light flicker.

"Where under attack, get her to the safe room and call for back up" Ace calmly says, to calm for my liking but then again he is the crazy one.

Sapphire grabs the box and the file and runs up the stairs following close behind Asher.

"BEL WE NEED BACK UP NOW" she starts yelling out orders and the line goes dead.

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