Kyle's POV
(Not edited)
----------------Tracy in media--------------Tracy slept that night in my room. She took my bed and I took the floor.
-Kyle, you know I don't bite.- she giggled. I smiled.
-Yeah, I know.- I put my hands behind my head.
-We dont have to do any you don't want to- she joked.
I frozed, but then laughed. She started to laugh with me.
-Oh Tracy, poor innocent Tracy.- I started to say. - To a guy, you should never say that.- I got up from the floor and sat down on the bed. She got up too and put her body closer to mine. We were facing each other.
I glared at her face with the moonlight shining on it and asked myself, why doesn't she still have a boyfriend? She is a very beautiful girl, and isn't dumb or fake, like most of the girls at our school.
I see her yawn, I glance over to the alarm clock, 1:00 a.m.
-We should probably get some rest- I say, pulling myself up from the bed. But Tracy grabbed my arm and didn't let me go back. -What is it?- I asked.
-Stay with me.- she patted on the side were it wasn't unfolded. I doubted for a second. - Please.- she begged.
-Alright- I whispered. I suited myself beside her, and brought the blanket up to my chest. She did as also. We both smiled just like little kids.
And I got lost in her eyes once again.
-Thank you- she whispered.-For what?- I questioned.
-For being here for me. For staying by my side. For not letting go. For being my best friend.-
-No...thank you.- she looked at me confused. -For making my life worthy for living, a brighter place where we can be together. Making my days happier. But most of all, for being here at my side even though we're not together all the time, I know I can count on you.-
She look like she was about to cry. I could see the tear falling from her eye, but she smiled. I got closer and kissed her forehead. She blushed.
-Nighty night, Tracy.- I sang.
-Don't let the bed bugs bits, Kyle.- she respond.
And slowly we both fell asleep.
I heard the alarm of my phone go off. I tried to reach for it, but I couldnt move. I opened my eyes to see what was the problem and found somebody holding on me. I freaked out a little, but remembered Tracy was here, so I calmed down.
I tried to get out of her grab, but it was useless. I look at her, she looked so peaceful and beautiful even though she still had drained makeup around her eyes. I shaked her a little hoping she would wake up or at least move. But nothing. I let out a sigh.
-Tracy, time to wake up- I whispered in her ear. She only let out a moan of annoyence. Knowing that she wasn't going to wake up, I started to tickle her. She opened her eyes and couldn't stop laughing.
-Tyler!! Please stop!! Please... Pl-please!!- she begged laughing.
-TYLER!! STOP!!!- She yelled this time. I covered her mouth so my parents wouldn't come to check out.-Keep it down, my parents are still at home.- I whispered.
-Sorry, but you started.- she whispered offended. I sat on the edge of the bed, with my back facing her.
-Alright, it was my fault. But if you wouldn't have grabbed my arm in the first place, none of this would have happened.-
She kept quiet, like she was meditating what I just said.
-Sorry- she whispered.I turned to look at her. She had her head facing the bed and playing with her fingers. I reached to lead her face towards me. -Hey, it's okay.- I said. I got on my knees and walked towards her with my arms held wide. She went towards me, closing the space between us with a hug.
-We should get going- I whispered in her ear. She giggled, and that confused me. What did I say?
-What's so funny?- I let out a smirk.She only shook her head slowly and kept on smiling.
-Tracy, tell me please.- I supplicated.
-It's nothing.- she said. I gave her a death stare. -Alright, alright, well, the thing is...I'm very ticklish in the ear.- she said quickly.
Really? Really! Was this what she didn't want to tell me, that she was ticklish. I already knew that. And if she had read my mind, she spoke again.
-And I didn't want to tell you beacause, you would take advantage of it.-
I let out an evil smirk. She knew me well.
She started to make some distance from me. I found out what was her plan and quickly hugged her before she could escape.
-Not this time baby.- I spoke softly to her ear. She let out a nervous laugh. I layed her onto the bed, ready for my attack, just when I heard a knock on my door.
-Kyle, are you awake?- asked my mom.
-Yes.- I responded, not trying to sound nervous.
-Good, can I come in? I need to give you some clothes.-
I opened my closet to check if I had some. Nope. Nothing was there.
-Shit.- I murmured. I looked at Tracy, she was with wide eyes and mouthing to say no. But my mom would suspect something if I didnt let in her. I had no choice.
I'm so sorry for not updating, but i didnt really have time to write. And you probably dont want to read this bullshit, but i just had to explain.
I also, i would like to thank for those who are reading this. It makes me glad just to see that it has been seened. Thank you so much.
Love you guys, Eli. ❤

Don't Leave... (ON HOLD)
Fiksi RemajaI didn't think you were capable of doing it... I guess I was wrong.