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I exited the barracks looking for Soap. He stood about fifteen feet away, leaning against one of the buildings. He was speaking with two soldiers. I walked up to them and noticed they were the soldiers I had seen earlier in the conference room.

"There she is," Soap says, grinning.

One of the men approaches me before I can respond.

"Lieutenant, my name's Alex." He extends his hand.

"Call me Wren, please," I say, shaking it as the other approaches.

"I go by Gaz," the other says, "Wren is a badass name. I like it."

I chuckle at his response, "It means-"

"Hey Lt, get your ass over here," Soap yells.

We all turn in the same direction. Ghost stops in his tracks as if he were debating on accepting Soap's request. Soap beams as Ghost made his way over. I watch him. His pace. His gaze. The lack of eye contact he makes with me. This infuriates me slightly, even though it shouldn't.

"You need to meet Wren," Soap says.

Ghost doesn't meet my eyes. "I don't need to meet her," he says shortly.

"Come on, man-" Gaz says.

"And why is that," I interrupt as I give my full attention to Ghost.

When he finally does look at me, it sends chills down my spine. I don't falter, though. He isn't gonna get that satisfaction out of me.

"Because you are useless to me," He says sharply.

It feels as though someone dumped ice water all over my body. He has some balls.

"Fuck you." I say, spitting venom in his face.

He doesn't react to this. He just stares. There's no emotion behind his eyes. No anger. No disgust. It feels as though I'm looking into a dead man's eyes.

"Alright, that's enough," Soap says, turning to Ghost sternly, "We need to talk."

Ghost scowls and strides off, with Soap following behind. Gaz and Alex look frozen in place as I walk away to blow off some steam.


The day is ending, and the sun is fading, making the sky erupt in elaborate colors before it completely disappears as the moon rises. I love watching this. It's one of my favorite pass times and one of the only times throughout the day when I can be in my own company.

My back is against one of the only trees lining the camp, and my feet are partially hanging off a ledge. I'm reflecting on the day I just had but mostly the people I have met.

I enjoy Soap's company the most. He has this radiant aura about him. Something you don't often find with these guys. I think I'll get close to him while I'm here. Ghost, on the other hand, was what I least expected to happen today. Frankly, he's the opposite of Soap, and I don't know how Soap puts up with him. Thinking about him makes my ears flush.

I need to think about something else.

The colors that illuminated the sky are gone now. Which means it's probably time I get back. I start to head in the direction of the barracks.

It's a lot quieter than it was earlier. The camp seems calm for once.

When I walked inside, I saw some soldiers I've never seen before and the ones I met today. They're all talking amongst themselves. Gaz and Alex have claimed their beds, and Soap is getting settled into one.

"Hey, Wren, where'd you go?" Soap asks while rummaging through his duffel.

"I took a hike," I grin at him jokingly as I sit on my bed, leaning against the headboard.

"Very funny," he says, smiling, as he walks towards me. "I want to apologize for the way Ghost acted earlier." He sits at the end of my cot, looking at me.

"Don't apologize for him, Soap. That's not your place."

"Yes, I know, I just know Ghost." He pauses, "and I feel you deserve an apology."

"Well, thank you, but I don't need it from you. You didn't make him say any of that. I'll live." I say as I place a hand on his shoulder before removing it to stand up. "I'm gonna get ready for bed," quickly ending the conversation before walking off with my duffel bag.

I quickly shower and put on the clothes I'm sleeping in before I walk out.

His bed is directly across from mine.

How Ironic.

He's actually sleeping with that thing on. Although this one isn't one, I've seen before. It's a ski mask with a skull print on it. I wonder if he wears it because he's ugly or has a scared face. He's turned towards the bathroom with closed eyes, but his breathing goes rigid when he hears my footsteps as I make my way to the bed.

I get under my covers and turn on my side, ignoring him. Soap is already passed out, snoring on the opposite side of the room, and not long after, I begin to doze off.





This is a quick chapter and sorry it's taken me longer to get it out, but this is a good stopping point and next chapter will be worth it ;)

His Muse ( Simon Riley x Soap MacTavish x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now