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I wake up to rusting and noises from the other side of the room. I didn't register it at first, but I realized someone was speaking. I pick up bits and pieces of the words that were exchanged.

"Come on, Soap, get up..." says one of the voices. "It's time to leave."

I turn over in the direction of Soaps bed and see Ghost peering over it.

"We can make it out of here before 6 if you get your ass up," Ghost whispers.

Soap looks over in my direction. It's too dark in here for him to realize I'm awake. He looks back up at Ghost and says,

"Go wake her up then,"

"You do it. If it were up to me, we'd leave her," Ghost snapped.

"You're fucking unbelievable right now," Soap whispers, looking at Ghost distastefully.

"I'm gonna be outside by the heliports," Ghost states before walking out of the barrack.

Soap is quiet for a second before I hear him walking over to me.

"Hey, Wren, get up," I hear Soap say while shaking my leg.

"I'm up, I'm up," I exclaim as I sit up and rub my eyes pretending I just woke up.

"I'm gonna be outside," I don't acknowledge him. I hear him walk away as I get up to head to the bathroom and quickly shut the door behind me. I tie my hair back in a braid and put on my cargo pants lined with pockets to hide any minuscule gear I might need in combat. I pull a black long-sleeve shirt over my head before rolling my sleeves and tucking it below my pants. As I put on the rest of my tactical gear, I think about what might happen today.

I have to stay professional no matter how angry Ghost makes me.


I sneak out of the barracks without anyone waking up. It's around four-thirty in the morning, and I can't help but wonder why Ghost is so eager to get going this early? We would be on time even if we woke up normally.

The sky is still dark, and there's a nip in the air, but as I exit the building, I realize Soap isn't outside where I thought he would be.

I see Ghost from afar or rather his silhouette. There isn't enough light outside to identify accurately, only lamp posts dispersed throughout the camp, But I can tell it's him. His subtle features are etched into the back of my mind. I debate whether or not to walk over or look for Soap before he realizes I'm standing here.

I'll bite the bullet.

He doesn't see me as I begin walking in his direction. He's standing over a table with different items on it. His mind is elsewhere, but his hands seem to be fiddling with a gadget. He doesn't acknowledge me when I walk up to the opposite side of the table.

"Can I help you with anything?" I ask, trying to get him to look at me.

No response.

Ghost continues to fidget with what I believe is a part of his walkie but refuses to acknowledge my existence. I pick up some type of circuit board from the table.

"Don't touch that," he snaps,

"Why, what does it go to," I ask, looking up at him. He doesn't exchange the expression.

"Just don't touch anything."

"Do I intimidate you, or do you act like this with everyone?" My eyes bore into his without wavering.

He grows stiff, looking up at me with an icy glare as he straightens his back, making him much taller. It makes my blood run cold.

"Let me get something straight with you," he walks towards me, towering over me, his face closer than it should be. "I will not be civil with you because I want nothing to do with you. You are useless to this team, and we would be better off without you."


"You don't even know what I can do," I exclaim, inching my face closer to his. "I was hired in this position for a reason."

He glares daggers at me for what seems like forever. "Leave." He breathes before backing up and walking back to his original position. I look at him with disgust.

How can someone act like this without even knowing the person?

He doesn't look up from his little project. I walk over to him, only a few feet away.

"I'm not gonna be there to save your ass when you need it," I say, practically spitting in his face.

He doesn't acknowledge me before I storm off and look for Soap.


I find Soap speaking with Price. They're having a conversation as I approach them.

Price acknowledges me, "Lieutenant,"

I nod my head.

He turns back to Soap, continuing, "report back to me," and quickly walks off.

"Let's go," Soap says, walking in the direction where I just came from.

"What was he needing," I ask, trying to match his pace.

"It's nothing. He just wanted an explicit referral about some of the stolen equipment." His gaze is on the ground in front of him as we talk.

He turns his attention to me, studying my face, "why do you look so flushed?"

"I'm a little warm," I quickly turn my face away from him and look at the buildings we pass.

"It's 4 degrees outside?"

"Yeah, and I'm warm," I laugh playfully.

"Weirdo," he chuckles.

We reach where Ghost is. He is loading equipment inside the helicopter before he notices us walking toward him.

"Hey Lt, you about ready?" Soap asks, stepping inside the helicopter to survey all the gear that Ghost has placed inside.

"I'm finishing up," Ghost responds. He walks over to a long container, most likely holding larger military rifles. "Could you grab the other end of this?" He asks.

"Wren can help you with it." Soap says, smirking from inside the helicopter.

I hear Ghost sigh as I walk over to help. He doesn't make eye contact as I lift the box. The weight of it makes me struggle a little. Ghost looks completely unfazed as we carry it to the edge of the helicopter's entry before he takes over and slides it inside himself. I step back.

"Alright, let's get going," Soap says while jumping into the co-pilot seat. I step inside and find my seat behind Soap. Ghost steps inside after me and slams the door shut. I hear the lock click in place as his loud footsteps fill the silence. He takes his seat and looks at Soap with softness in his eyes.

"Let's go fuck these guys up, Johnny," He jokes, looking away.

Soap laughs at this. "That's the spirit."

A smile reaches my lips at what he said too.

Ghost starts the aircraft, clicking buttons and switches, making the giant machine purr louder until we take off.





Thank you guys, for all the love and support. It's finals week, so I'm trying to write as much as I can. Sorry for the delay :)

His Muse ( Simon Riley x Soap MacTavish x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now