Cave Stalking; Chapter 10.

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You were walking to Enid's and Wednesday's dorm since she wanted to speak with you, probably about the monster situation when you heard muffled voices through the walls.

"If you you like.... So much why don't you..... to the Rave'N dance?" Enid said as you sighed, about to knock on the door when Wednesday replied, "Maybe." 

"Uh, can I come in?" You said through the door, Enid opening it before walking out. "I need to ask you something." Wednesday said in her usual serious tone.

"Fire away." You said, "Would it.. be a possibility.. that uh.. uhm. Would you, like to go to the Rave'N dance with.. me?" She said as you started to blush.

"Sure!" You said, genuinely happy as Wednesday's face started to show color. "Cool, now we need to talk about evidence I've found."

Wednesday then started talking about how all the victims had a part surgically removed, you gagging at the pictures she showed you, followed by fainting.

"Catch me the smelling salts.. again." Wednesday said to Thing as she looked back at you.


"Okay what are we doing here again?" You asked Wednesday as she looked at Xavier leaving a rusty building. "He's hiding something important, I know it." 

"Wait, wait wait! I don't know about thi- Come on." You started stalling but Wednesday interrupted you, opening the door to the rusty place.

As she turned on the light, you held back a gasp while looking at the paintings of the monster you've seen. They were everywhere.

"..I suppose every artist needs a muse." She said, noticing your discomfort as you looked at ripped out pages of more art of the monster. "Look.."

"Xavier, you just became that much more interesting." Wednesday said as you both walked out with the pages stuffed in Wednesday's bag.

"What are you both doing?" Xavier suddenly asked, you both turning around quickly. "Nothing." Wednesday started, "We just saw you come out this way, speaking of which.. what is this place?" 

"It's kind of my private art studio, I cleared it out, fixed it up, so Weems let me use it." Xavier said to you both. 

"How very entrepreneurial. We would love to see inside!" You said, forming a big, exaggerated smile. "Why don't you give us a tour?" 

Xavier's eyes widen at your sudden request, looking at the ground before answering, "Not right now. It's a.. total mess."

"I shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer. I'm not easily fazed." Wednesday retorted, trying to get Xavier to open up about his studio.

"..Maybe another time, why were you both looking for me anyways?" Xavier asked, "We both wanted to go over Ms, Thornhill's homework assignment." Wednesday lied.

"She didn't give us homework.. remember?" Xavier pointed out, you letting a nervous chuckle escape your lips. "Why are you really out here?"

"..Is this about a certain dance?" Xavier hinted as your eyes widened, what the fuck. "What makes you want to poke needles into your eyes, perhaps??" He finished.

"I'm all- She's going with me." You interrupted as you fiddled with your uniform, "We wanted to come here to ask you if you were going to ask anybody we know." 

"Oh, uhm I don't know.." He blurted as he shared a glance between the two of you before looking at the ground. 


You stood with Eugene and Wednesday as she put up the pictures she showed you.

"Enid wouldn't let me keep this in our dorm." Wednesday said as she put up the last picture, "For good reason, this is.. something." You snarked to yourself.

"No worries, mi colmena es su colmena." Eugene said, "I assume this is the creature that's been rampaging in the woods?" 

"You've heard about it before?" You asked, your eyes wide as you faced Eugene, "Rumors. Mr. Fitts banned me from bug hunting until further notice."

"Claimed a beat was on the loose.. which I knew was a lie." Eugene continued, "Didn't match their hibernation schedules. Speaking of monsters with sharp claws, could you give this to your roomie?" He turned to Wednesday, "Put in a good word for me?"

"..I heard she's still sans date for the Rave'N.." He blabbed on as you zoned out, looking at one of the pictures until they pointed at the same picture you were looking at.

"That circle.. I think I know where that is.." Eugene said to the both of you, "Show me."


"You think it's in there..?" Eugene said nervously, "Only one way to find out." Wednesday said as she walked towards the cave, you following behind.

"I'm not a huge fan of enclosed spaces.." Eugene spit out, "I'm claustrophobic."

"If you hear me screaming bloody murder, there's a good chance I'm just enjoying myself." Wednesday said as she went into the cave.

"Y/N?" Eugene said looking at you like a lost puppy, "Sorry Eugene, I'm going to check this shit out." 

"Damn it.." Eugene spat as she followed behind the two of you.


You were sitting by Eugene as the two of them talked, "I suggest we all stake out the cave and identify the monster." Wednesday suddenly said, "Is that alright Y/N?" 

"Yeah it's fine, I just wanted to hang out with you!" You replied, earning the tips of Wednesday's ears going red.

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