Shapeshifter Resemblance; Chapter 13.

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It all came back.

You remembered the the visions clearing, but not the visions themselves, the incident, and the monster.

"..Is Eugene alright?" You asked as you came back from your thoughts, looking Wednesday straight in the eyes with a worried look.

"He's in the ICU."



After your visit with Wednesday, it felt like forever until you were allowed to leave.

"Alright P/N and O/P/N, Y/N seems in good condition, though in 24 hours if they complain about their head it would be best to bring them back here because of the concussion." A doctor said as P/N finished some paperwork.

"Alright come on Y/N, let's get going." P/N said as they grabbed your hand, them both walking you out. "Can I maybe stop by school?" You asked to P/N as O/P/N seemed skeptical. 

"Why would you need to go to Nevermore for?"

"My friends."


When you reached school with P/N and O/P/N you noticed something off.. and this weird kind of feeling when you stepped on Nevermore's school grounds. 

"Let's go Y/N." O/P/N said as them and P/N opened the doors for you, still being careful about your injuries. 


"Y/N!! Are you alright???" Someone exclaimed from behind you as you walked in the quad, seeing tons of families and students in it. "Enid?"

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT???" Enid yelled as she grabbed your shoulders, shaking your whole body. "Enid- Enid- Enid, please stop." You yelled as she was stilling screaming, making incoherent noises.

"A-alright sorry.. I was just really worried- but not as worried as Wednesday, she couldn't stop talking about y-" Enid rambled as your face became red on top of being pale.

"It's fine, I'm gonna go to Mrs. Weems office to talk to her, I'll be quick!!" You exclaimed quickly leaving to Mrs. Weems office, unaware of what's about to happen. (Suspense suspense).


Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Can I come I-" You started until you heard a familiar voice behind the door of Mrs. Weems office.

"You're a shapeshifter." Wednesday said as you slowly opened the door without making sound, hiding in the shadows of the room. 

"..That's a fascinating theory." Mrs. Weems defended, "I'm curious to find out how Sheriff Galpin feels when I tell him." Wednesday retorted as Mrs. Weems sat up and stretched her body over her desk.

"You won't tell a soul, Miss Addams. And it wouldn't matter much if you did, Rowan's father already knows what happened and he fully supports my decision not to involve the authorities." Mrs. Weems threatened as you decided last minute to reveal yourself.

"Why would he agree to that Mrs. Weems?" You innocently asked, batting your eyelashes. "I knew you would show up Y/N L/N. You are always watching in the shadows."

"Answer. The. Question." You said gritting your teeth as you stood my Wednesday, "It's because Rowan was not in his right mind." Mrs. Weems said as her body went over the desk even more.

"His telekinetic abilities were driving him mad and he attempted to murder you twice. His tragic death allowed us to rectify the situation, without casting the school or Rowan in an unflattering light." Mrs. Weems yet again defended, trying to prove herself in the right.

"You and Mayor Walker are the same, aren't you?" Wednesday claimed with wide eyes, Mrs. Weems smirk fading. "Burying bodies to cover your dirty secrets."

"I did what I needed to do to shield this school from controversy and protect its students from harm." Mrs Weems said as you all heard some screams and a bright light through the window of her office.

'Fire will rain.'

Wednesday Woe; Wednesday x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now