Nevermore Problems; Chapter 20.

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Crackstone used his magic to stop the arrow, turning it so it faced you. You cursed under your breath as the arrow reached your face at flying speeds, you knew you couldn't stop it. Then you felt yourself be pushed out of the way by someone.

That someone, was Wednesday.


"Oh my god!" Xavier yelled as he ran to where you and Wednesday were, "I'm fine, go the two of you. Get them out of here!" Wednesday yelled as some students were forced on the wall by Crackstone.

"..Now!" Wednesday finished as she looked at the two of you before you both ran to help the endangered students.

"Come on, guys. Let's go! Go! Go!" Xavier yelled as they ran away, you turning to look at Wednesday, guilty, before you ran too.


"Here, this way!" You yelled to two students in some of the ruins of Nevermore, grabbing their hands to drag them out of the mucky, sharp pieces.

"Thank you so much!" One of them yelled as you just gave a small nod.


"Hello! Help me!" Someone screamed from in a hallway, and as you noticed the voice you ran to it immediately. "I'm here, come on, follow me!"


"Follow my every step! This place is breaking by the minute!" You yelled to a student, "Thank you so much.."


You and Xavier helped a few more students to get to safety together before you went to meet with where all the other students were.

As everyone worriedly hugged, smiled, and laughed from seeing everyone safe, you were in thoughts of extreme guilt.

You not only left Wednesday once, but twice when she could've used your help, which caused you to feel extremely guilty and upset at yourself for it.

You then again thought back to every moment after you realized you liked Wednesday. They were now all bitter sweet.

And the thought of her maybe dying today hurt you.

It terrified you.

It haunted you.


'Is she okay? Why did I leave her? What if she's in trouble? What is she's dead?!??

These thoughts circled your mind like a tornado, and you were so focused on your thoughts you didn't notice someone calling your name.

"Y/N, Y/N! Y/N!" Someone called as you snapped out of the intrusive thoughts, turning your head to be met with Enid.






"Enid!" You yelled as you ran to her, making sure she was okay from the insane fight she had with Tyler, or the Hyde.

"I'm okay." She whispered as you backed away, leaving her and Ajax to talk while simply smiling, though you were still worried about Wednesday.

As Enid and Ajax went over to the rest of the group, she asked you something that shattered your heart for the third time today. "Where's Wednesday?"

"I.. I don't know.." You whispered out as everyone's attention went to three shadowy figures coming out, and as they came out of the fog you recognized the similar face you've always loved.

"Wednesday!!" You screamed as your feet took control of your full body, sending you right into Wednesday's warmth. 

She hesitated before hugging back, letting out a few quiet sobs before you let go, rubbing your thumb to get rid of the falling tears and blood.

"I thought I lost you.." You whispered to Wednesday as she looked back at you before the corners of her lips went up a bit. 

"I could never leave you, Y/N."

(There will only be a few more chapters before Wednesday Woe is complete.. I can't believe it! Thank you all so much for your support on my book.)

Wednesday Woe; Wednesday x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now