Chapter 5

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As soon as Donghyuck was finished with his last class, he went to the dining hall to meet up with Jaemin to discuss his plan that he had for later on in the evening.

He walked through the automatic sliding doors and swiped his key card ID to count for his meal swipe plan. Jaemin was waiting for Donghyuck by the desserts as the older walked over to him with a smirk that Jaemin insinuated was not a good one.

"Just to be clear, are you actually going to display Mark's bare skin in front of the entire college?" Jaemin asked, making sure he heard correctly of what Donghyuck was talking about over the phone last night.

But Donghyuck smirk only grew wider, "we have a lot to discuss." Was all the brown haired male said before leading the way to a table to set their bags down.

Jaemin just shook his head and followed the older who found an empty clean table and set their bags down. They walked back into the cafeteria area to order their food.

With plates in their hands, Donghyuck and Jaemin scouted the cafeteria's food on the menu today. They stared at the food in disgust as there was not anything good the school was serving today. They settled on chicken tenders and fries instead.

They poured their drinks and brought their plates and cups to their table, setting them carefully down.

"I'm going to get some dessert," Jaemin stated as Donghyuck nodded, wanting dessert as well.

They walked back to the cafeteria area from the dining area and picked up a plate to fill with desserts. Donghyuck stacked his plate with two oatmeal raisin cookies and a brownie as Jaemin filled his plate with his own choosings.

They also went to get a side of salad to you know, balance out the food.

Donghyuck skipped back to their table and set his plates down with Jaemin following behind him. They set down and just as Donghyuck was about to take a bite into his brownie, Mark approached them.

"You always start off with desserts first, huh fatty?" Mark snickered and walked away as Jaemin glared at the older once he saw Donghyuck's expression falter into a guilty one.

Donghyuck put his brownie back onto his plate and slowly pushed the dish to the side. Jaemin frowned, "Donghyuck, eat your dessert. You can eat whatever you want first before your main meal if you wanted to."

Donghyuck only smiled at Jaemin feverishly before picking up his fork and poking at his salad.

"You know Mark never knows what he says," Jaemin told him to try to make the older not pay no mind to Mark.

"Mark knows a lot about what he says actually," Donghyuck remarked, chewing on his lettuce with a little smile.

"Donghyuck...we talked about this before, you know. You're perfect the way you are," Jaemin assured his best friend.

Donghyuck only shrugged and changed the topic, but Jaemin knew it bothered him.

"So this evening, Mark is going to pay for a lot of things he's done to me," The brown haired male spoke with determination, his eyes darkening which spooked Jaemin a bit.

"What exactly does this entail?" Jaemin raised a brow as he ate a chicken tender.

"While the boys basketball team are in practice, we will be in the locker room with a large container that I will get from my dorm. We are going to fill the container with ice cold water and then-"

"We're going to get the floor wet, dumbass," Jaemin was about to scold his best friend.

"If you'd let me finish speaking, dumbass, you would know that I will be dumping the water on Mark while his is in the shower so that he'd scream like a little girl. And when he would try to get his towel to dry himself and put his clothes on, he won't be able to because I'll take his clothes from his locker and run out with it," Donghyuck strategically said as Jaemin put his elbows on the table and rested his forehead in the palms of his hands.

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