Chapter 7

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Mark shivered, feeling the cold brush against his naked torso when his coach pulled him aside in the middle of campus.

"Mark, what is the meaning of this?" His coach, Mr. Moon, sharply said while drawing an invisible circle with his pointer finger at Mark. Mark lowered as head down and clasped his hands in front of him after making sure his towel was secured on his waist.

Mark was not going to snitch. He just could not do that and he was not sure why. Maybe it is because he deserved this after being such an asshole to Donghyuck his entire life.

Even though his coach kept bugging for an answer, Mark gave him none. It was his fault this time anyway and Donghyuck should not be penalized for doing one prank on him after he has done far much worse to the younger.

His coach frowned and shook his head, "Extra laps now, Lee."

"But I don't have my clothes," Mark said.

"Well that surely didn't stop you from chasing another student on campus practically named, now did it?" Mr. Moon rebutted sassily before continuing. "Didn't think so. I'm sure you have no problem running a couple laps in the gym with such scarcity for clothing."

"Yes, sir. I apologize. This was immature of me," Mark said, bowing to his coach as Taeil chuckled.

"You're still a kid at heart," Mr. Moon stated with a smile before placing a hand on Mark's shoulder. "Never lose that. Stay in this young mindset while you can, but also know that there is a time and a place for everything."

Mark nodded his head before turning around to walk to the gymnasium.

"Oh and Mark?" Taeil called out, freezing the said student in his steps.

"Yes, sir?" Mark answered.

"Stop giving Donghyuck such a hard time, will you?" Taeil pleaded with a knowing smirk, Mark's face turning a shade of red, although, that could just be from the cold.

"I can't help it," Mark admitted with a shrug and smile as he quickly made his way back to the building.

Taeil just stood there in the middle of the campus's sidewalk smiling while shaking his head, "Ahh. The beginning of young love."

Mark ran a few extra laps once he was back in the gymnasium. He cursed at himself for having to run again because he will need to take a shower again. At least this time he will be able to do it properly without any absurd interruptions.

And so that was what he did.

The next morning, Donghyuck woke up to a knock on his door at seven in the morning. It took him a while to process everything as he slowly sat up, noticing how sweaty and how uncomfortable he felt.

However, he knew the reason for this sensation. He had had a wet dream last night and Mark was in it.

He does not know why he had it though. Maybe it was because he jerked off to one of Mark's hoodie last night so his mind was still fogged with the older's scent.

He could not continue his mini investigation with himself nor calm himself down as the knocks became louder. And this was when Donghyuck realized that it was not coming from his main door, but his bathroom door which could only mean one thing....

Mark Lee.

"Donghyuck..." Mark's voice sounded fairly raspy and dry, sounding as if their was a frog stuck in his throat.

"I'm gonna kill him," Donghyuck mumbled, wiping the sweat off his face.

Hesitantly, Donghyuck got off his bed thankful that his hoodie covers his slowly calming tent in his pants. Donghyuck did not know why but he felt nervous, thinking Mark was going to get back at him or even yell at him for what happened yesterday.

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