Chapter 6

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⚠️ TOWARDS THE END OF THE CHAPTER, THERE IS A LITTLE BIT OF SMUTTY ACTS (but not too crazy as of now...the real spice is yet to begin) ⚠️

As Donghyuck ran out of the building into the chilly weather, he glanced back quickly with a smirk. But that smirk immediately faltered as Donghyuck saw Mark charging after him.

With panic filled in his blood, Donghyuck ran even faster in a sprint with Mark's clothes in his hands.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," Donghyuck thought out loud with each step he took.

Curse Mark for being a basketball player who can run all day long because he has such good stamina for the sport.

It seemed as though Donghyuck started running slower or maybe it was because Mark was just faster than him. Eyes were on the two of them chasing each other, mainly on Mark though since he was the one wearing nothing but a towel.

In an instant, Mark caught up with Donghyuck and snatched the back of his green hoodie until his was able to grasp a tuft of his hair, yanking him backwards with the younger's face tilted upwards from the force.

"Let me go!" Donghyuck hollered, grabbing even more attention from the students on campus. Donghyuck tried to give pleading eyes to his fellow alumni, but they just continued on their way to classes while completely ignoring the two enemies.

It was just a normal day on campus to them.

"You thought this was funny, huh? Did you think you would pull through with this easily?" Mark lowly said, yanking Donghyuck's hair closer so that his lips were fanning over the younger's ear while his other hand clutched his towel so that it would not fall.

"M-Mark, let me go," Donghyuck said with something in his eyes that he never thought he would show.


But mixed with that fear, Donghyuck felt something throughout his body. It felt as though he stuck his hand in an outlet and was being shocked. His whole body became heated, his cheeks tainting a shade of red.


Mark pulled himself away from the younger to examine Donghyuck's state, to which he smirked while looking down at the other's stomach down to his waist and down to...well his area.

"Are you getting turned on right now?" Mark smirked, holding in his laughter.

Donghyuck's eyes widened as he shoved Mark off of him with full force as he blushed in embarrassment, his eyebrows furrowing in anger looking to the side of Mark's head.

"You never let me win! Why do you hate me so much?!" Donghyuck yelled, piercing his eyes at Mark's as he forced himself not to look at the older's upper torso.

Mark did not say anything but smile as Donghyuck rambled on.

"A-and look what you did," Donghyuck looked down at himself, a tent visibly formed in his sweatpants.

"I just wanted to get back at you once, but somehow you always manage to stop that from happening. Are you full of yourself or what? Can you just leave me alone now? Can we call this even? I don't ever want to see you again," Donghyuck complained. He knew he was being incredibly childish, but in reality, their whole hateful relationship was childish.

Did they really hate each other though?

"Listen, princess-"

"My name is Donghyuck," the younger cut him off sternly.

"Donghyuck, don't be mad...I-"

For the second time, Mark's sentence was cut short as a professor from the college had interrupted.

"Mark Lee!"

Mark turned around to see his professor, but it was not just any professor, it was his basketball coach. He looked back at Donghyuck who gave him a smirk, leaving as he left him with his coach to be scolded at while walking away with his clothes in his hands.

"See ya," Donghyuck saluted Mark who had perplexity written all over his face.

Donghyuck cheered to himself as he skipped along to his dorm. He had saw the coach walking out of the building so he thought if he could make a kiddish scene, it would grab Mark's coaches attention.

And it worked.

He immediately texted Jaemin that the plan was a full success. Sure it was almost a fail, but it was a success overall.

Now that he returned to his dorm, he placed Mark's clothes on top of his bed while staring at them. Out of curiosity, he bent down on his bed to smell Mark's clothes and hell did it smell so damn good.

He had not gotten the chance to actually get a little whiff of them earlier when he was running away with them because he was distracted. But now, he had the chance to let it sink in.

It was just curiosity, that's all.

It smelled just like Mark himself, his manly spicy yet smokey scent caused Donghyuck to be hypnotized and lured by such zesty fragrance.

He picked up a piece of Mark's clothing, his black hoodie to be exact, and brought it up to his nose, inhaling sharply.

And that was when he remembered his aroused clothed and aching member in his pants. An idea crossed his mind and since Mark would not be back at the dorms anytime soon, he decided to do it.

And that idea happened to be to masturbate to the smell of Mark's clothes.

Weird right? Well Donghyuck was not thinking so at the moment.

He pushed aside Mark's clothes to sit on his bed with the hoodie still in his hands. He raised his hips to slide off his pants and underwear swiftly, placing his cold hand on his member as he winced at the coldness while the other hand was holding Mark's hoodie to his nose.

He let his hand slide up and down on his already wet shaft as he inhaled Mark's lavishing scent, throwing his head back with a moan for each sniff he took as he gradually stroked himself faster.

This went on for several minutes until he was reaching his climax. His body was sweaty and his cheeks were flushed.

"Oh, fuck~ Mark!" Donghyuck moaned quite loudly as he cummed in his hand.

He rested his head against the wall as he took deep breaths, his chest heaving up and down rapidly until it became normal and steady again.

He threw Mark's hoodie to the side and slid off his bed to grab tissue to clean himself up. He went into the bathroom to wash his hands thoroughly afterwards and came back inside his room, pulling his underwear and pants back up to rest on his hips.

Donghyuck stood there frozen for a few moments, thinking out loud.

"Did I just masturbate to Mark?!" Donghyuck panicked, immensely disgusted with himself to let such a thing happen.

How could this have happened? He hates Mark! He can not stand him so what was he doing masturbating to him?

Donghyuck shook his head rapidly, "No, no this was just a minor set back. Just a little moment of vulnerability, that's all. I was just horny and it's a natural thing for a guy to masturbate when he's horny....yeah."

Donghyuck threw himself on his bed face front, deciding on going to bed early tonight to just shut his brain off for a while.

But that did not really help as he had a wet dream later on that night...

and Mark was in it.


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