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"Tyler look at me-" I beg as I take a step towards him, only for him to scatter back

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"Tyler look at me-" I beg as I take a step towards him, only for him to scatter back.

He looks broken. Defeated. Seeing him bruised and battered made tears swell in my eyes. My heart aches for him.

"No!," He shouts, but I don't jump. I don't flinch, because I'm not afraid. "Get away from me. I don't want to hurt you Riyah...Please"

Still not meeting my eyes he curls up his naked body, shaking and rocking.

Slowly I make my way to the corner of the room where he sat. Being careful not to make any sudden movements or loud noises.

"Tyler, baby please look at me," I say as I reach for him. Seeing no recoil from him, I slowly sit down in front of him.

Moving my hand to his cheek, I turn his head to me, and when his eyes finally met mine, my heart shattered.

"I'm a monster-"

"You're you." I interrupt.

I watch as tears fall from his eyes and as if on cue, mine fall too. I hold his face in my hands, feeling his cheeks become wet with tears.

Finding comfort in each-others eyes I watch as his gaze falls to my lips before meeting my eyes again, but this time his eyes were full of something else.

Slowly I feel him leaning in, still looking into my eyes searching for a reaction. I lean in, closing the distance and connecting our lips.

It's like the world stopped. I no longer hear the sound of the TV in his living room. The only sound I hear is the beating of my heart.

I feel his arms wrap around me, neither one of us breaking the kiss.

Opening my eyes, I look back down at my most recent sketch of the boy before glancing up at the multiple sketches of him plastered around my room

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Opening my eyes, I look back down at my most recent sketch of the boy before glancing up at the multiple sketches of him plastered around my room.

"For someone you claim to have never met, you do draw him quite a lot."

Turning at the sound of her voice I'm met with my mom's short frame on my bed.

"Every time I close my eyes, he's there."

"Your visions are getting stronger. You're 17 now, when I was around that age I started getting visions of your dad."

I side-eye her, "you know I don't believe in soulmates mom"

She only glared at me before closing my suitcase and walking out of my room.

"I'll be in the car. Don't be long."

I watched her back retreat before turning back to the sketch, the vision replaying over and over again in my head.

With one last look, I closed the book, shoving it in my backpack.

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Under the Hyde | Tyler GalpinWhere stories live. Discover now