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Stepping into the small coffee shop, Sa'Riyah found it cozy

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Stepping into the small coffee shop, Sa'Riyah found it cozy. It wasn't packed, but you could tell they had plenty of business in the small town of Jericho.

Rowan silently led her to a booth looking kit the panned glass window. The people of Jericho went on about their day, everyone on their agenda.

Inside the coffee shop, Sa'Riyah was oblivious to the stares she had been receiving from people stuck in the past. Rowan though noticed immediately and he did his best to keep her clueless.

"You can take the seat facing the window," he said quickly taking the other side facing towards most of the people in the establishment, who were still eyeing the girl and muttering things Rowan could only hope she couldn't hear. By the look on her face, she hadn't.

"Can I order for us?" she beamed, "Please, this place is straight out of a movie."

Rowan couldn't say no. Her happiness was the only thing keeping her from noticing what was truly going on around her. Because of this, he didn't hesitate to agree to her request.

"Absolutely." Rowan laughed at her enthusiasm. After telling her his order, he watched as she jumped up and ran to the register with the biggest smile on her face.

Carefully he watched the reactions of the people in the coffee shop. He watched as eyes followed her, some people even got up and hurried out the door muttering to themselves about never coming back.

At the counter, Sa'Riyah patiently waited for the boy behind it to finish making an order so she could place hers. After placing the cup topped with whipped cream to the side he turns looking down at the register.

"Welcome to the Weathervane. What can I-"

The boy's eyes met Sa'Riyahs and the pair shared the same expression.

Her breath hitched. It was him.


Noticing he was goggling, the boy caught himself. Deciding he wanted to know more about the girl in front of him, he asked the first thing that came to mind.

"You go to Nevermore?"

Good job Tyler... PERFECT even.

After no reply, he realized how insensitive he'd sounded. Quickly, he retaliated.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

After staring, Sa'Riyah finally came to her senses.

"No. It's okay. I do go to Nevermore actually." sending him a soft smile, she asked a question of her own. "How'd you know?" She hadn't received her uniform.

Seeing she wasn't offended, Tyler relaxed.

"Usually it's the stiff uniforms that give it away, but I've never seen you before and I definitely hadn't seen a normie with white hair and gold eyes." pausing for a second he continued. ", actually I've never seen anyone that looks like you before."

Sa'Riyah didn't admit this, but she hadn't either. No one in her family looks like her.

(Change in the plot. Mom looks normal.)

"You're beautiful."

Her eyes snapped to his. Detecting his compliment to be genuine she smiled.

"I'm sorry, that was weird," Tyler didn't know why but he felt like he needed to say that. He was captivated by her. "What can I get you?"

Sa'Riyah had no idea, but she knew one thing.

"Something with a lot of Carmel and a lot of whipped cream."

He knew exactly what she wanted.

"One Triple shot Carmel Matcha with extra whip coming right up." Placing her order he looked back at her "will that be all?"

Sa'Riyah nodded, too excited to try a new flavor before she remembered she needed to order for Rowan too.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot about my second order"

Tyler placed up from the register. "Another one? Are you sure you can tolerate that much caffeine?"

Sa'Riyah laughed at his question, "I'm not here alone." Pointing towards Rowan, who had been waiting patiently, she sent a small wave.

Tyler is visually deflated.

"Oh, I didn't take Rowan as the dating type." He worded carefully.

"He's just a friend," she stated, "I actually just met him today and he offered to show me around."

So she was single. Tyler smiled at this.

"Yeah, he's a nice guy. Mocha Latte is his order right?"

Sa'Riyah gives him a small smile and pays before turning and making her way back to the both.

"Thanks, Tyler."

What an idiot.

Tyler's head snapped to her retreating back then down to his shirt. He didn't have a nametag on and he didn't tell her his name.

Rowan watched as Sa'Riyah made her way back to the booth when suddenly a man made a beeline for her holding a steaming hot cup of straight black coffee

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Rowan watched as Sa'Riyah made her way back to the booth when suddenly a man made a beeline for her holding a steaming hot cup of straight black coffee.

In a flash, Sa'Riyah began to scream...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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