Chapter 3 - Basequest

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"I can't believe I'm in lunch detention with you" Sophie mumble. Keefe just smirked at her as he sat with his feet up on his desk. It had been about 10 minutes in out of the 60 minutes of lunch. She had to tell Dex that she wasnet going to eat because of detention. He laughed and said to her "I should've known you would get detention on the first day." Sophie sighed. She watched the seconds go by on the clock. A teacher she didn't know, but was told his name was Mr. Taylor, sat at his desk grading papers. Sophie looked over at Keefe to see him hovered over what looked like a gold notebook and had the slight outline of someone catching something. Sophie didn't realize how much of a talented artist Keefe was. She decided to do homework until the bell rang. About 5 minutes before it was due to ring,  she felt a paper ball hit her head. She looked over at Keefe and saw him smirking. She opened the paper and it read "want to come over with me to my friends house after school today?" Sophie scribbled on the paper saying "who's house?" And flung it back at him. Keefe read it and replied "the Vackers."

        Sophie's last 2 classes were pretty easy and had decent teachers. She had Spanish II with Miss. Peterson and Art with Mr. Clark. Afterwards she texted her parents asking if she could go with Keefe to the Vacker's, whoever those people were. After they said yes she met Keefe outside the school, leaned against a wall drawing. The second he saw Sophie he shut it and smirked. "Cmon Foster, the rides waiting." Sophie thought what he could have meant by that until she followed him to a black limo. He opened the door and allowed her to go in. People were taking pictures around them but Keefe completely ignored them, so she did too. He shut the door and a woman from the front said "Alright, where do you wanna go Hunkyhair?" Sophie laughed at the name as Keefe said "The Vacker's my good friend Ro" with a funny accent. "No problem" Ro said as she slammed on the gas and sped down the road towards the Vacker house.

        When the limo pulled up the driveway of the Vacker's, Sophie looked at the massive house in front of her. It looked bigger than the white house. "Yeah, Alden Vacker, Fitz Vacker's dad, works for the government in a super duper classified branch and gets paid bank to work there, so their kinda rich" Keefe explained. Sophie just stared in awe. The limo stopped at the walkway up to the huge double doors. Keefe helped Sophie out as they walked down the walkway. "So, how long have you known the Vacker's for?" Sophie asked. "About 6 years now, coming up on 7. These guys are like my second family" Keefe answered. He knocked on the heavy double doors and it almost instantly opened to a tall, brown hair, blue eyed guy. "Hey! Keefe! How's it going man!" The guy said. "Nothing much, you?" Keefe asked as they did some secret handshake. "Not much" Fitz said "This the girl you said you were going to bring?" "Yeah, she's Sophie, Sophie Foster" Keefe told him. Fitz held out his hand for a handshake and Sophie accepted it, saying "Nice to meet you." "You as well" Fitz replied. "Come on in, both of you. We got to get Biana." They both went in as Fitz closed the door behind them. They walked up the huge grand staircase and walked to a room. Fitz opened the door and called "Biana?" A girl suddenly replied from inside a massive closet "In here!" Suddenly the most beautiful girl Sophie has ever seen walked out. She had brown wavy hair that went down to about the middle of her back, with pure blue eyes and plump lips. She walked elegantly without even trying. "Hi Keefe!" Biana said. Keefe gave her a wave. Fitz then said "Basequest?" With a grin. Keefe suddenly yelled "I call Foster for my team!" Sophie blushed as Biana gave her a look. "Fine, I guess me and Biana will be on a team" Fitz said. "Uhm, is that supposed to mean something Fitz?" Biana replied. "No I just-let's just go play." While walking out to the woods behind the massive house, Sophie whispered to Keefe "What's basequest?" Keefe gave her a look that said "What!?" Keefe cleared his throat and explained the game. Basically one team had a base and the other team had to "quest" by finding the other teams base. The base team was allowed to send one person out to scout while one guarded. "Seems simple enough" said Sophie to Keefe. "Who's questing first?" Fitz asked. "Me and Foster can" Keefe said with a smirk. Fitz and Biana ran into the forest as Keefe turned to look at her. "Alright, since this is your first time we should stick together, but stay silent and sneaky. If they find us and tag us, we're out." Sophie nodded as Fitz yelled from deep in the forest "QUEST!" Keefe suddenly grabbed Sophie's hand and lead her into the forest. They started by slightly crouching and slowly walking around. Keefe suddenly whispered "get down" as he took her down with her. They went into a bush as Sophie saw Biana slowly walk past them. Once she was gone, Keefe led her out of the bush and the sprinted ahead. They suddenly ran into a clearing where Fitz stood in front of a tree. He looked like he was pacing until he saw them and focused up. They were at a standoff. "Surrender Fitz, and this can go peacefully. Your outnumbered 2 to 1" Keefe told him. "Never!" Fitz yelled. Keefe suddenly yelled "Foster, run for the tree!" Keefe dashed in front of her, running straight for Fitz. Sophie decided she would go around the two, so while Keefe was distracting Fitz she could capture the base. About 3 quarters to the tree Sophie looked back to see Keefe trying to juke Fitz and get ahead, but then he looked towards her and yelled "Foster, Look out!" He pointed to the side of her where she turned around the right as Biana charged her. They both fell and started laughing uncontrollably while Fitz and Keefe were still on their standoff. "Cmon, let them play their game, let's go get some mallowmelt" Bianca told Sophie as they both got up and started walking towards the house. Keefe and Fitz didn't take notice.

        When Sophie and Biana got inside, Sophie realized she didn't actually know what mallowmelt was. As they walked to the kitchen, Sophie asked "Hey Biana, what's mallowmelt?" Biana stopped walking and turned to look at her. "You don't know what mallowmelt is? It's going to be the best thing you ever tasted." She opened the fridge a pulled out a square looking cake. She then cut it, put a piece on a plate and handed it to Sophie with a fork. She first inspected it. It was a square and had vanilla ice cream with what she assumed was syrup topped with whipped cream. She cut a piece off with her fork and ate it. Flavor exploded in her mouth as it tastes like melted ice cream topped with butterscotch. She was instantly in love. As she devoured it, the back door slammed open as Keefe strolled in with a smug look on his face. He was covered in mud and grass. "Your looking at the king of Basequest!" He declared. Fitz came in after him also covered in mud and grass. "Keefe where did you learn to move like that?" Fitz asked. "I have my ways" Keefe said with a smug smirk. Fitz rolled his eyes but smiled and friendly punched him. Sophie looked at her phone as the time read 5:30. "Sorry guys, I should really be going back home. I loved meeting you, Fitz and Biana!" Sophie told them. "Guess that's my time to exit too" Keefe said stretching his arms "I do have her ride after all." They both said their gold hes and walked out towards Keefe's limo. Keefe opened the door and held it open for Sophie. Sophie stepped in and he came in after her. "Where to Funkyhair?" Ro asked. Keefe looked at Sophie and asked "Where do you live?" "7693 Cherry Avenue" Sophie told him. "There!" Keefe told Ro as she stepped on the gas and floored it out of the Vacker's driveway and onto the road.

        They pulled up to Sophie's house as Keefe got out and opened the door for Sophie. "Well Foster, this date was great" he said with a wink and a smirk. Sophie blushed and playfully slapped him. Keefe laughed. "See you tomorrow Foster" Keefe told her. There was a moment where they stared into each other's eyes. "See you, Keefe" Sophie said as she broke eye contact and walked up her driveway to her door. She heard Keefe get in his limo and as it drove off. She opened the door and declared "I'm home!" Edaline came from the kitchen with a huge smile and Grady came downstairs looking mildly irritated. "Hey Sophie, how was it?" Edaline asked with a smile. "Did you have a fun time with that boy?" Sophie's face turned lava red as she stammered for an answer. "I just went with him over to one of his friends houses, that's it" Sophie explained. Edaline nodded and said "mhm" as she continued cooking. Grady then said to her "Listen, if that boy (get it?) bothers you or forces you to do something, tell me" Grady told her sternly. "Dad! He wouldn't do that" Sophie exclaimed. Jolie, her older sister came running down the stairs. "Did I hear talk about Sophie and a boyyyy?" Jolie asked. Sophie and Grady sighed, when Edaline went over to explain it to her. As they ate dinner she was bombarded with questions about Keefe, but she just deflected them until she was done. She walked up to her room to hang up her coat and change into more comfortable clothes. She emptied her pockets when she found a piece of paper saying "562-573-4576. Keefe's number" and it had a smiley face on it. Sophie smiled and thought how he got that in her pocket. She added the number to her contacts and texted it.

(Sophie's text is this, and Keefe's texts are this)

- Keefe?

- The one and only, Foster

- How did you get your phone number in my pocket?

- I have my ways ;)

- Mhm

- What? I'm just slick like that

- Your hopeless, you know that?

- Your right, but I'm your hope ;)

- You love those wink emojis don't you?

- Of course, it's basically me in real life

- Goodnight, Keefe

- Wow, you go to bed at 9? No wonder your never fun

- Thanks

- No problem

- Goodnight, Foster.

Word count: 1814

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