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A/N: Honestly, I don't know how good this fic is going to be. I've never written one before, and I tend to over-explain situations (I fully blame my ADHD). I do hope you enjoy this story though. I'm going to be posting this story in parts. More likely than not that means you might get a lot of chapers all at once and then none for a few weeks and then all that over again (again I fully blame my ADHD).

This is just a little bit of background on Ashantae, the actual story will start in the next chapter. 

Ashantae, Ash, is a reader who attended the school for good around fifteen years ago. She went to the school at the age of 19 because she was always on the road, so it was difficult for the school to find her. Ash never wore all the frilly dresses the other ever girls wore, but instead wore pants and pantsuits every day. She also wasn't the goody two shoes all the other evers were. Ash loved breaking the rules, particularly wandering around after hours. Lady Lesso and Dovey were both in their first years of teaching while Ash was at school, so she knows them pretty well. Last year at the end of term Dovey contacted you to see if you wanted  to take the job of the Beautification teacher because Professor Anemone was retiring. Ash agreed and arrived at the school a couple weeks later and got to know her fellow teachers.

If you want to know what I think Ash looks like, and her style, my ever growing Pinterest board is linked.

A/N: Me again, hi, sorry, but not going to lie I kinda just want this to be a really simple story with not a lot of different conflicts (don't worry there will be some lolll) so for the purpose of this story, Rafal is actually dead, and Rhian is the actual schoolmaster. Sophie is in the school for evil and agatha is in the school for good, and they accepted it and there was no drama there. Anywho, this is it for the background section. *showtime* EDIT: I lied...there's gonna be drama...and plot twists...and it's going to be so unexpected...oh and yeah there's gonna be some smut lol...

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