Chapter 1 - Meeting my New Neighbor

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Chapter 1

"It's so fucking cold outside! Damn you Canada!" I screamed to no one. 

It was the middle of winter in Canada meaning it was colder than cold. I had just finished my last year of University, where I got a degree in music, art and culinary arts. I decided that it would be better for me and my chances in getting a career if I left my small town and moved to a big city. I originally wanted to move to Vancouver, but my parents convinced/forced me to move to Montreal.  

It was a hard transition for me, going from an english small town, to a completely french big city. I was really nervous. 

With the help of my parents, I managed to snag a penthouse apartment just outside of the center of the city. I had finally got all my stuff set up when there was a knock at the door. 

"Coming!" I yelled. 

I ran to the door and pulled it open. Standing on the other side of the threshold, stood the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He stood at 5'7, had piercing blue eyes and perfectly tousled light brown/shady blond hair. 

"Hi," I said shyly.

"Hi," he answered just as shyly. "Ummm.... I noticed you had just moved in and I decided to come introduced myself. My name is Sebastien. I live across the hall." He had the most adorable french accent. 

"Hi. My name is Alyssa. You can call me Ali though." I answered. 

"So then Ali..... What are you doing here in Montreal?" He asked awkwardly. 

I paused for a second, trying to word it correctly. "I wanted to move away from home. I just finished University and wanted to move to a big city." Another pause. "Do you want to come in?" I asked. 

"S-sure," he stuttered nervously. 

He walked in and looked around curiously.  

"Sit wherever you want. Do you want something to drink?" I asked. 

"Sure. I'll take whatever you have," he said sweetly. 

I went to the kitchen and poured 2 glasses of orange juice. When I went back to the living room to find Sebastien looking at my CDs. 

"You must really like music," he said. 

I smiled and laughed. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. Just kidding. I'm like addicted to music. I think I would drop dead without it." 

"I totally agree with that," he agreed. 

"So what do you do for a living?" I asked. 

"I'm a musician." He answered. 

"Really? You are so lucky! That's why I came to Montreal. I want to try and become a real musician." 

"You're a musician too? That's awesome! What do you play?" He asked enthusiastically.

"I mostly sing but I can play drums and guitar pretty well and a little bass. How about you?" I asked, taking a sip of juice.

Sebastien cocked his head and looked at me for a minute. He looked.. confused? "Mainly, I'm a guitar player and backup singer for the band I'm in, but I play a little bit of everything." 

"Cool! I want to do music so bad. I have a bunch of songs recorded and I plan on sending out some demos as soon as I can. The sooner the better I guess." 

"Yeah. Getting signed is the tough part, not that it gets much easier after," he added, chuckling softly.

I smiled. "I'm guessing your band is already signed." 


"Lucky. My parents gave me a year to get signed. They promised they'd help me out this year, but if i can't get signed, I either have to figure out how to pay for everything myself, or I have to move back home. And let me tell you, I do not want to move back home." 

Sebastien laughed. "I hear you." 

Suddenly, Sebastien's phone rang. He answered and sighed. "I'll be there in a few." He hung up and looked at me. 

"It was awesome meeting you but I've got to head to the studio. I'll talk to you later, Ali." He said, standing up. He walked over to the door and pulled it open.

"Bye Sebastien!" I said. 

"Call me Seb." He said, just before shutting the door.


*Edited: working on changing a few things, making it better, etc.*

Thanks for reading. I'll try to upload the next chapter tomorrow, but don't hold me to it. Leave me a comment if you want and I will read and respond to all of them.

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