Chapter 15: Time For A Picnic!

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Chapter 15

My eyes fluttered open the next morning. My face was buried in Seb's chest and he was still sleeping, snoring softly. I sighed deeply. I was happy for the brief moment of silence; when I could think about everything that happened, but not be alone.

I used to prefer being alone. I found it much more relaxing to be alone. Being around people always drained me. Things were so different now. Seb changed things. I wanted him to be around as much as possible. I loved being around his friends. He made me feel more confident. 

And last night. How could a day go from domestic joy, to seething anger, to utter fear and confusion, to pure bliss. It started with cuddles and movies, turned into a fight with my parents, the cops had to be called and then I lost my virginity to a guy in a band who wasn't even my official boyfriend. 

I didn't regret it. The fight was bound to happen. I didn't know the cops would be involved, but the fight was happening. It's not like it was the first time my father had hit me. I couldn't even remember how many times it had happened. And the sex; God how could I regret that. It was every bit as amazing as I had dreamed it would be.

I got as close to Seb as I possibly could, never wanting to let go of the amazing person that I was lucky enough to have.

Seb stirred a little before his eyes opened slowly. He looked down at me, his lips curving into a soft smile. "Good morning ma belle," he whispered, kissing my forehead.

"Good morning, mon trésor," I whispered in response.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He asked, concern filling his lovely blue eyes.

I smiled weakly. "Absolutely amazing," I said. "That's a lie. I feel guilty, but not. I feel worn out, but still okay. I'm so glad I have you, but I'm so scared that I'm going to lose you. Everything feels so mixed up," I admitted.

I sat up and swung my feet over the side of the bed. I picked up Seb's discarded shirt and pulled it over my head, pulling my hair up into a loose bun.

Seb sat up and wrapped his arms gently around me. He propped his head up on my shoulder, his breath tickling my ear. "Anything I can do to help?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrow at him.

He laughed. "I wasn't suggesting anything. I was being genuine. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Breakfast?" I asked, suddenly realizing how hungry I was.

Seb laughed. "I'd offer to cook, but I need to do groceries. I have no breakfast materials left. How about we go out for breakfast? We can go and get a coffee or we can go somewhere that actually sells real breakfast food."

I glanced over at the clock and laughed. "Well, considering it's almost lunch, how about we grab some coffee and then go on a picnic! I love picnics, even though I've never really gone on one."

"I like that idea. I'll go pack us a nice lunch." Seb said. He sat of the edge of the bed and grabbed his boxers, slipping them on as he stood up.

I smiled. "Sounds like a plan! I'm going to take a quick shower." I said, standing up. I headed for the bathroom. "You know, we're going to have to move all my stuff from my place to here if you're serious about me moving in."

"We can do that later. Today is just for us and tomorrow is your birthday. I have an amazing surprise for you, remember?" Seb teased.

I glared at him. "Yeah, I remember. I still hate surprises."

He smiled widely at me as I slipped into the bathroom. I pulled off Seb's shirt and dropped it to the floor. I hopped into the shower and relished in the steamy shower. I quickly washed up, scrubbing myself clean. I shuffled over and searched for some clothes that I had left in Seb's room. I quickly pulled on a pair on light blue, ripped jeans and a dark green tanktop. I stole one of Seb's cardigans that he had thrown on the floor before giving my hair a quick towel dry.

When I walked out of the bedroom, Seb was leaning against the kitchen table, fully dressed with a picnic basket on his arm.

"Shall we?" He asked.

I pulled a beanie over my damp hair and slipped on my converse. "We shall."

20 minutes later, we were sitting in the grass, coffees in hand, unpacking our picnic basket.

"I'm curious to see what you packed, Seb. Also, I didn't know you even owned a picnic basket," I teased.

He smiled at me. "You never know when you might need one. I didn't pack anything fancy. Just what I could find in the fridge," he said pulling out a couple sandwiches.

I giggled. "Mmm... ham sandwiches, Ritz crackers and red Gatorade! My favourite!"

Seb laughed. "I do have one more thing up my sleeve," he said with a smirk, pulling out a lemon meringue pie.

"No way! Where did you get that?!"

"I bought it a couple days ago and hid it from you. I was gonna give it to you as a little birthday present since I know it's your favourite, but I thought that now would be even better!" He said, smiling brightly at me.

I reached over and hugged him tight. "How did I get so lucky?"

"What do you mean?"

I shrugged. "You're just so amazing! Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve someone as amazing as you."

"Don't talk like that. You deserve the world and whoever tells you any different is wrong and stupid."

"Thank you, Sebastien."

"Anytime, Alyssa."


*Editing: trying to make it better and less cringey. I think this ones okay. I added a bit, changed a few things and took away a few things. I think this story's getting back on track. I think I know what I'm going to do. Also, how funny that the note after this talks about how it had been a year. Oh past me, its been 4 years since I started this story. It's taken me about 2 and a half to find the motivation to try and finish and dammit that's what I am going to do!*

So I just realized that its been almost a year since I updated this story... sooo... sorry about that. I am sincerely going to try to post over the summer because I feel like i need to do something kind of productive, but I dont know.

Regardless I hppe y'all have a wonderful day/week and ill talk to you soon!


Love Haley

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