The Girl in the Mountains (kny): Request

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Sakura Kai Nohana: a new demon slayer, seeking to avenge her family. She has a quiet, sweet personality, yet a strong, unwavering resolve. She uses cherry blossom breathing—a style taught by her father, which derives from flower breathing and emphasizes her agility. (avaaviesflowergirl, Who also made the drawing you see above!!)

Shizuku Yuzuki: a demon slayer with a serene demeanor, yet a more sinister side that she keeps under wraps. She uses dream breathing, a style that relies on blindsiding opponents with quick, graceful slashes.

Brief guest appearance from...

Hanayo Tachibana: a demon slayer constantly working to curb her short temper. She uses light breathing, which places emphasis on blitzing her opponents and makes use of her leg strength.

Summary: Once partners in the final selection, Sakura and Shizuku had since gone their separate ways. However, an unexpected demon attack brings them together once more.

Requested by: avaaviesflowergirl

Part One: Final Selection
Seven nights on a demon infested mountain would have most running for the hills. Still, there are many who brave the challenge in the hopes of being able to wear the uniform of the demon slayer corps with pride.

It certainly was no friendly environment for a young girl.

Yet, as the wisteria covered hills tapered off ahead, there were two in particular who faced the mountaintop with courage.

One, with brown hair that faded to pink, made her hands into fists. Passion burned in her violet eyes. No matter how hard it gets...I won't back down! She thought to herself.

A sharp contrast to that, the other girl hardly emoted at all, aside from her serene smile as she gazed at the clouds. "Nightfall is approaching," she observed plainly. Her voice was a soft monotone.

"Oh! Yes, it is...hehe.." a small, startled chuckle escaped from her lips, as she was snapped out of deep thought. "Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself- I'm Sakura."

"'s time to go in now, Sakura." The monotone-voice girl replied, before walking down the path and into the deep forest.

Sakura watched in awe—she hadn't even gotten the other girl's name, before she'd just wandered off on her own! Well, she was right, after all. There was no time for standing around to process what had just happened.

The final selection had officially begun.


Seven days and seven nights. No outside assistance. Just you, at the mercy of the forest and the demons lurking within.

The clear waters and deep, beautiful greens of the trees and bushes felt almost out of place with
such a sinister threat looming over everyone.

It was a bold step to take, given that the two had exchanged but a few words. Despite that, Sakura tentatively extended her hand. "I was thinking, since we're here together, and all...we should stick together. The demons will be easier to fight if we have each other. I guess what I'm saying is...would you like to be partners?" she suggested. She wasn't even sure if the other girl would say yes, so she became unsure in her movements.

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