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"Congratulations! You are known as an astronaut!"

Mini was bursting with excitement. "After training for months and months, I'm finally an astronaut!" Mini was in a giant ISC stadium. (International Space Center) about one hundred recruits. Mini looked at the instructor. "I've been here for about twenty-three years. I will be your instructor on the ship." Mini wanted to yell LET'S GO RIGHT NOW! But Mini somehow shut down the excitement. "Okay, you will be split up into ten groups. I'll put it on the board next week. So, you can see your ship and your teammates." one week later. Mini looked at the board and saw he was at ship seven# Mini ran away screaming "I got to pack my bags!" The board said that Mini will go in two days.

Please put your belongings in storage, thank you! The robot said. Mini was about to step in. Then suddenly a white-suited with a sticky note on his face grabbed Mini he said, "Where's your space suit runt?!" Mini was frozen in fear. "What punk?" Mini never knew they were going to space. "WHAT!!" The white-suited man screamed. "I – I never k- knew we were going to space. The man laughed "Are you stupid?!" (Mini has Astrophobia) The man punched Mini. Repeatedly. For about two minutes Mini face was bloody and his nose was broken. Then suddenly "Hey! Stop That!" A woman said Mini looked. It was a woman in a black space suit. The white-suited man walked towards her. He pulled up his fist and punch her she fell to the ground. Mini ran towards the man. Mini started moving faster. Then Mini punched him. Mini was glowing then the person got hit he got blasted about sixty feet back. The bully's eye was as purple as a grape. The bully could not move. The woman stood up and said to Mini "Thanks! I'm Anna and that bully's name is Jack. I heard he was from France and moved here." Mini kind of felt sorry for the bully. He sighed "Well if they ever get in my way he's done for. "By the way... how did you punch that hard?" Mini stopped moving. How would he explain about overwhelming strength that causes people to die? Mini sighed. I don't know... Anna looked suspicious but after a few seconds, she sighed. "Let's get to the ship" Mini sighed "well I guess I'll go"

When Mini walked in, he was overwhelmed by the smell of pancakes and syrup. "What the?" Then someone walked up to him with an orange suit on. "Hi there... I'm Zuko."

Mini smiled and said, "I'm Mini!" Zuko smiled and muttered, "Look at the map." He pulled out a map the size of three sheets of paper glued cooperatively together. He pointed to the cafeteria. "You're right here. You need to go all the way to storage. It's about south from here" I nodded "Thanks!" Mini said. Mini quickly scurried to the south. He found ten boxes of uniforms. He took a box that have a silver nameplate on it. "Huh, Mini," Mini said. He slowly opened the box. It was a red suit for space. Mini put it on. 5 minutes before launch. The robot said. Mini quickly went to the engines. And check them. They were burning fuel. But the ship hasn't started moving yet? "I got to tell the captain!" Mini said in a worried tone. Mini rushed to the navigation. Then a purple suit popped out with a royal hat. "Hello! I'm the captain! My name is Grape" Grape said. Mini slightly chuckled. "Anyways, Grape the engine!" Said Mini. "Which one? The north or the south?" Grape asked. "North!" Grape nodded "shall we go?" When Grape arrived, he was surprised. "That's odd..." Grape muttered in a low dark voice. Then Grape reared his head to the left of the engine. "What is this?" Grape put his hand on the floor. Then slowly lifted something. "Oh no!" Later... Everyone, please report to the cafeteria. A robot voice said. Mini already knew what it was about. "Look at this people!" Zuko said. He held up a large black egg with swirls around it. "This could kill mankind," Zuko told the people sadly. "Where's Jake?" Mini did not know who Jake was. "Everybody! Look for him!" Everyone scattered in all directions. "Found Him!" Anna said. Mini rushed over to her. In reactor. Jake was impaled in the shoulder. Sticky warm scarlet blood. Mini kept his nerves together. He slowly looked at what caused the disaster. A large spike with twisted vines on it. It was dark black. It was sticking out of the floor. Suddenly Mini saw something dashed across the floor to the upper engine. Mini shot after the silhouette. "Where are you going!" Anna said in a sad voice. Mini didn't answer. Mini was caught closer to the silhouette 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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