Chapter 1

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My family has just gotten back the magic and we are all celebrating in the common area when Casita starts pushing me up the stairs. I don't know why but I am too joyful to wonder. We got our home back, our magic back, our family back. I couldn't be happier.

Casita pushes me down the hallway of the upper floor. Abuela turns her head to look at me. I notice more and more people turning their eyes to me.

"Casita, what's going on?" I ask, nearly tripping on one of her stray tiles. (To be honest, I think she did that on purpose.)

She doesn't answer and instead takes me to one of the magical doors. Except this one's different. I examine the door, trying to see if there was a mistake.

Orange magic swirls on the wood and there's an M on the intricate gold handle. It looks like one of the magic doors before it's claimed.

I look behind when I notice there's no sound. Seriously, you could hear a pin drop. Everybody's staring now. Abuela looks on the verge of tears of joy. My parents look proud, but also confused. My sisters are giving me thumbs up and cheering me on silently, same as my cousins. Antonio comes up the stairs, the sound of his footsteps echoing across the silent room.

He looks at me with this wonder and joy that only kids seem to have.

"Go on," he says. The parrot on his shoulder squawks in agreement.

I am terrified. The last time this happened, I touched the doorknob and the door disappeared, leaving my relationship with my family never the same.

Looking back at my family, they all give me encouraging smiles and I muster up my bravery. I gently grab the handle, and the door glows. I am a nervous wreck. And then it stops. I wait for the disappointment of it disappearing, but it does something unexpected. Light bursts from it and then darkness clouds on top of the brightness, blocking it out until both the light and the dark separate, each covering one half of the door; dark on the left, light on the right. My family runs up the stairs wondering what the hell was going on. All I have to say is: Same.

The darkness and lightness, still keeping to their sides, form a picture of me surrounded by all sorts of things. (A/N: Is lightness even a word? Idk ¯\ (ツ) /¯ ) On the right side, there are flowers and plants, clouds, animals and a half of the sun that joins the half of the moon on the other side. The left side has rocks and cracks and sharp things and skulls. They seem almost like life and death.

The picture is imprinted on the door and I feel a surge of magic and power blast through my veins. Is this what the rest of my family felt when they got their powers?

And then, just as soon as it appeared, the surge disappears and I feel normal again, mostly. It still feels like that thing that rushed through my blood, my magic, is there, but it's sleeping. My hand's still on the doorknob.

Antonio stares at me with a look of curiosity and I decide I would open the door, whether I am ready or not.

The engraved door to my new room creaks open and I peek inside. Looking around in confusion, I open the door fully so my family can see my new room, or my lack of it.

They all just stare at it disbelievingly, trying to comprehend why my room is blank. Literally. My room is just white. I doesn't look like it has an end, it just seems to go on and on forever. There doesn't even seem to be a ceiling or floor. But then what are we standing on?

I decide on nothing. We are standing on nothing. I move my thoughts back to the possibilities of why there's nothing in it.

"Abuela, do you know why my room is like this?" I ask.

"No, I've never seen anything like it," she replies, glancing at me, then back at the room.

Suddenly, it clicks. I figure out why my door is like that, why my room is like this. It's so simple, but yet I hadn't even considered it. I light my hands up, nudging the beast that is my magic just a bit. Just enough to see whether my theory is correct. Light shines out of one hand, dark out the other. I make a purple plant grow out of the light and black rocks, sharp enough to cut through anything, grow out of the dark. Sure enough, I am right. I shake my hands and the shadows and rays leave.

Turning around, I face my family, a smile brightening my face. They are about to have the shock of their life.

"I think I figured it out," I start to say.

"Your room, or your powers, Mirabel?" Mama asks.

"Both. I think the reason why my room is blank is because I'm supposed to create it with my powers, and I believe those are life," I answer.

They all look at me a bit skeptical except for Antonio. He's always got my back.

"I think she's right," he says, petting the cheetah beside him. See what I mean? The best wing-man ever.

"What?!" my family says in unison.

"I mean think about it," Antonio continues. "Life has both good and bad, light and dark, creation and destruction. It would explain why the door was like that. And that her room is blank so she could fill it also makes sense. Maybe you could see what you can do?" He turns to me.

"Sure," I say, grasping a hold of my magic. Let's do this.

I raise my hands, then pause. Why don't I make a show out of it?

I stomp my right foot, cracks appearing throughout the white world. Stomping my right foot again, the floor of nothingness breaks away, leading us into a free fall. Dad grabs my Mom and holds her close trying to turn himself so that, should they hit the ground, she will land on top of him, while my Tìo Felix does the same with my Tìa Pepa. Camilo tries to grab hold of Antonio and Dolores to protect them, and Luisa tries to grab Isabella, Abuela and Tìo Bruno.

Ouch! Do they really think I would let them fall to their deaths? >:)

I clap my hands and small floating Islands come up to catch them. The Islands cushion their fall like a trampoline. I raise my hands, the Islands following my movement. I make them stop at the level of the doorway and then bounce on the grass until I am flying through the air towards the next Island. While in the air, I wave my hand in a circular motion and bright light shoots from it. I let the light go, leaving it hanging in mid air while the white around us slowly turns to a sunset sky. Landing on the next Island perfectly, I look up at the entire world I just created. 

A/N: That was the first chapter! Yay! Thanks for reading. Love y'all <3

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