Chapter 3

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The forest is surprisingly welcoming. The leaves aren't so dense as to block out the sun and there is enough space between trees to easily move. I manage to find a gravel pathway and decide to take it. I wonder where it goes.

A few hours later, I can answer my own question. It leads to nowhere. It's a dead-end. Just great. Now I'm going to have to retrace my steps.

The crunch of the gravel under my feet along with the quiet rustles of leaves in the wind echo around the quiet forest. The warm breeze brushes my skin and I feel at peace.

I look off to the side, just attempting to be, when I notice another pathway off to the side. Before my brain can give me all the reasons I shouldn't, my curiosity gets the better of me and I turn, making my way down the newly discovered trail.

 ********time skip, brought to you by laziness********

It seems like I have been walking for hours. I probably have but I mean, like days' worth of hours. My eyes are drooping and the feeling of exhaustion clouds around me. My feet ache to be given a break, but I know I can't stop. If I sit down, I won't get back up until tomorrow morning.

Up ahead, I see a small clearing with branches stretching across it like a canopy of leaves, blocking out the evening sun. It looks like a nice, relatively safe place to stop for the night.

I quicken my pace, despite my body's protests, telling myself it will be worth it once I can sit on the soft grass. Wiping the sweat off of my face before looking around, I check the clearing for signs of danger.

When there is none, I gladly walk forward a few agonizing steps and flop onto the ground. Heavy breaths heave out of my chest.

There's a sudden crack of twigs to my right. I'm on my feet in an instant looking around for the culprit. The trees give off pretty large shadows, deeming it much harder to spot anything but I do see two figures moving in the direction I came from. One looks humanoid and the other, large and bulky, and definitely not humanoid.

"Who's there? Come out at once!" I demand.

The figures still. Then turn towards me.

I throw my hands up, prepared for a fight. My tiredness is replaced with a sudden burst of adrenaline. I will run if I have to. And if I can't run, I'll fight. I'm not afraid to beat a bitch up.

Stepping away from the shadows, the light reveals a beautiful boy about my age, maybe a year older, and an equally beautiful black stallion.

The boy's complexion is pale, like my Tìa Pépa's, contrasting his messy, ash black hair. His eyes are a beautiful shade of green the color of jade. They sparkle like gemstones too. A timid smile graces his lips. He stands a few inches taller than me, with a lean body. He is definitely fit, his defined muscles showing through the dark green tunic and black pants. Strapped to his waist is an elaborately decorated sword in its sheath and a belt with many pockets. His tan shoes match the color of the belt and the saddle on his horse. Overall, he looks extremely handsome, extremely formal and a nice guy..

However, I do not know his intentions and that makes him a threat.

I don't want to reveal my powers yet so I slowly back farther away until I feel at a safe distance away. 

"Hello! You don't need to be afraid of me, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." His voice is smooth and sounds fitting for his looks.

"I don't trust you to keep that promise," I say, my fists still raised and my body turned to protect my heart. 

"That's smart," he grins. "But I have no intention of harming you." His face goes serious once more. "I'm looking for the Encanto. I've heard it's a safe haven and the Madrigals have powers that can help me."

The Encanto? My Family? What on earth could he need their powers for? 

I look at him skeptically. "And what is your business with them?"

He raises a perfect eyebrow. "That's classified information." 



"Would you tell a Madrigal?" 


"Then tell me."

"Why would I-"

He stops and just stares as I see realization dawn on his face. But, realization turns to skepticism. "Prove it," is all he says. 

I spin and let the sparkles fly out of my dress once again. Seeing him notice the moving embroidery, is hilarious. His jaw drops and his eyes widen. I let out a small giggle at the look on his face. Like I said, hilarious!

"You really are a Madrigal." He says, dumbfounded. "I was getting worried that the stories of the Encanto and the Madrigals were just that: stories. But you're proof that it's real. Wait, wait, wait, wait... that means, maybe you can help me." 

I tilt my head to the side, indicating for him to continue. 

"Well, you see, I come from a empire that is in great distress right now. A war is going on between us and the Demons-"

"Hold up! DEMONS?!" I ask incredulously. 

"Yes, demons. And I came here to ask the Madrigals, for help in our fight as most of us do not possess powers." He says. I can see the worry etched across his face. His love for his country is strong, I'll give him that. 


His hands fidget with his belt and he looks down, before glancing back up again. "Some of have powers. We don't really know why but we have them. So far there are only five of us in the entire empire."

Huh. We Madrigals are not the only ones.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Love y'all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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