The feeling of love

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Naruto was surprised to find Shikamaru standing right Infront of him, Infront of his desk, away from Konohagakure and in Uzushiogakure.

Shikamaru let Naruto's shock become amusing as he stood Infront of Naruto "w-what h-how?" Naruto stuttered trying to find some kind of reason that Shikamaru was here. "Well when I find out you're banished because of the old fogeys on the council, not only are all the villagers and most of the Shinobi happy you're gone but I'm pissed you left me behind. Troublesome blonde, you left me a letter I didn't get till three days later but you haven't even wrote to lady Tsunade yet who's waiting to hear if you're doing alright, what a drag" Shikamaru complained and Naruto sweatdropped.

He was getting lectured, again.

But this time about leaving a certain Nara behind.

"You're not lecturing me are you?" Naruto wondered hoping he's not getting lectured again "no I am lecturing you, why not the first lecture today or this week?" Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, Naruto groaned "that is the seventh lecture this week. You are the seventh one to lecture me in the last three days" Naruto groaned again, Shikamaru found it amusing "well it's good I'm lecturing you right now troublesome blonde, now right a letter to lady Tsunade before she plummets you into the ground. I already told her I'll keep an eye on you once I found you" Shikamaru huffed "wait what?" Naruto blinked "you heard me troublesome blonde. I'm going to keep an eye on you and this time you're not leaving me behind" Naruto had a little bit of pink on his cheeks but Shikamaru luckily didn't notice it.

"But I have to finish all this paperwork" Naruto whined gesturing to the stacks of paperwork on the desk and some on the floor. Shikamaru deadpanned at the stacks. "Every kage's nightmare" Shikamaru concluded.

"Well those can wait, I'll send my letter with yours to let her know you're fine and that I found you and I'm sticking to you're side" Shikamaru said, small bits of pink on his cheeks at his statement. Naruto had more pink in his cheeks this time "a-alright" Naruto pulled out some empty papers and gave some to Shikamaru and they both wrote their letters before Naruto summoned a fox.

He put both letters inside the pouch that was clicked around the foxes body "take this to Tsunade senju in konohagakure, tell her the Uzukage and Nara has sent these and tell anyone who tries to read them that it's for the hokage's eyes only" Naruto instructed the fox yipped with an agreement before poofing out of the office to Konohagakure.

"I knew you were a fox" Shikamaru smirked "hey! I like them and they like me" Naruto pouted and kurama huffed in agreement with Naruto cause he was a fox and he did like Naruto.

"Why aren't you using shadow clones to help with this?" Shikamaru asked, Naruto paused his eye twitching and a glare at the ceiling made him clench his fists. "why the FUCK DIDN'T I REMEMBER THAT?! I COULD HAVE BEEN DONE WITH THIS HOURS AGO!" Naruto whined and Shikamaru was laughing at Naruto's own stupidity at how he could forget that.

Tsunade was suffering through paperwork when a fox poofed onto her desk and yipped catching her attention as she raised and eyebrow, "a fox summon? But there are no fox summon contracts" Tsunade said in her head, the fox gestured his nose to the brown pouch strapped around his waist and yipped "do you have something for me little guy?" She asked and the fox yipped again, using his tail to touch the pouch.

She chuckled.

"Alright, alright. Let's see what you have for me" she opened the pouch and seen two letters.
She pulled them out and closed the pouch back up.
The fox yipped as she pet him making his tail wag and he poofed out of the office and back to the summoning world.
She looked at the letters for a moment.
She looked at the seal and didn't recognize it, rasing and eyebrow she opened the first letter.

It was from Shikamaru.


Dear lady Tsunade,

I found Naruto, he's doing well and he forgot something with his own stupidity. Don't tell him I said that, he made me laugh once he said he's gotten seven lectures in the past week. Don't know what the other six were but I gave him a lecture of my own.

He's doing great, not a scratch on him and I'm happy and I'm sticking by his side permeantly. Also I did find him the land of whirlpools, took about three days to get out here but I managed with breaks.

You can tell my parents now that I'm alright and so is Naruto, I'm sure they're worried for both of us. I've written a list of names I want you to tell this too, it's the same names Naruto wanted me to say hi for him to.

Naruto also wrote to you, which is possibly the second letter if you didn't read his first.

Shikamaru Nara.


She sighed in relief knowing Naruto was doing alright and opened Naruto's. Tsunade looked at all the names making a list for reminder.


Hey granny Tsunade,

It's me Naruto, Shikamaru probably told you I forgot something with my own stupidity I'm still whining about it. He's probably given you a clue to where I'm at and it's fine I trust you cause you're my granny and I love you.

Guess what, I rebuilt Uzushiogakure! I was made the Uzukage and I've gotten six lectures from certain people Shikamaru being the seventh one to lecture me this week, sadly.

I'm doing alright btw, how are you? You better be well, is the council giving you trouble? I'll kill them if I have to for making you upset. I miss you very much Granny, also the money I had is helping with the rest of the building of Uzushiogakure but I've been scolded to not use anymore of it so.. yeah I've been adding money secretly into the building and I'm sure the scolding will be worse later but it's worth it!

I don't know when you'll see me again but I'll update you monthly and if I forget too then Shikamaru will remind me hopefully, yes I know fox summons don't have contacts but I'm a lucky guy! Foxes are amazing and cool!! Also use clones for the paperwork, that is what caused my stupidity to rise and Shikamaru pointed it out and laughed while I cried at forgetting that.

Gotta go, love you granny!

Naruto Namikaze-Senju-Uzumaki


Tsunade face palmed. Shizune looked at her worried "lady Tsunade, are you alright?" She asked "no, instead of slaving through paperwork I forgot the one thing that could have helped us through all this crap!" Tsunade groaned in embarrassment.

She let her head fall to the table and Shizune winced at the loud thump her head made with the wood. "May I ask what you forgot lady Tsunade?" She asked "to use shadow clones to help with the damn paperwork" Tsunade said muffled into the wood but it was loud enough for Shizune to hear and she quietly groaned herself.


Chapter written: November 27, 2022.

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