~Allies and Enemies~

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Cambridge, Massachusetts

Kalyna came to to the sound of metal ringing and looked to see Okoye taking on the tallest of the warriors.

Kalyna's pyrokinesis wasn't going to be quite as strong now that she was all wet, but half of their team was down, so she had to act, and fast. "General!"

"Watch over Shuri and Riri!" Okoye yelled to her, never once breaking the duel.

"I can help you-"


"Yes, General!" She obeyed and stayed close to Shuri and Riri's unconscious forms.

Okoye had already struck down several of the soldiers. However, these people were still full of surprises, and the downed warriors rose back up again as if unharmed.

"Zombies!" Kalyna gasped.

A woman in a colourful feathered headdress, complimented by the tones of dark turquoise and gold she wore, approached the fallen princess and scientist. Unlike the others, she had golden red hair.

"I'm warning you," Kalyna spat. "Do not come any closer-" She managed to conjure up what little flame she could and directed it at the woman. 


With a wave of the woman's arm, another whale, as though summoned, jumped from the river, sending another wave of water over the edge, soaking the Firebird once more and sizzling out whatever spark she had managed to conjure.

The woman stalked over to Riri.  Kalyna threw herself at her but was promptly thrown back off. The woman kicked Riri over and, spear raised above her head about to deliver the killing blow, stopped, sharply and abruptly.   "This is the scientist who created the vibranium detecting machine?" she cried, staring down at the young woman. 

"Yes," Kalyna confirmed. 

"She's just a child." She sounded shocked.

"We know. We were surprised too. Perhaps we are all more narrow minded than we think"

Ofelia looked from the scientist, to the woman dressed like a bird, to the fallen princess, and to the warrior who was holding back Attuma. Then her gaze returned to the scientist - surely Namor did not know who the scientist was. If he'd know she was a young woman, he wouldn't have sent them to hunt her down and kill her.  He didn't know, he couldn't...  

"What are you doing?" Namora barked at Attuma who was clearly enjoying the duel with the Wakandan warrior very much.  "Now is not the time for games - finish her!" She tossed a water bomb into the air. Attuma bounced it off his blade towards the warrior, who sliced it with her own spear, bursting it apart. 

Okoye and Kalyna were blasted back off the bridge, over the railing and down into the river. The splash awoke Shuri from her unconscious state and she leapt to her feet and over to Riri. "Stop, stop! Wait, please!" She held up her hands in surrender to Namor's people. "Griot, activate universal translator."

"Yes, Princess."

"I am Shuri, Princess of Wakanda. Please, do not harm this girl, she is under my protection. Take us to Namor."

The woman in the most elaborate costume of the group, and who looked to be another of Lady Infinity's look-alikes like Kalyna was, stepped forward. "Princess Shuri, I am Ofelia of Talokan. We will take you to our leader."

"We were ordered to kill the scientist on site," Namora hissed.

"Yes, but surely Namor can't know that the scientist is a child. That is an order, Namora!" Namora grumbled but stood down. Ofelia turned to her secret lover. "Attuma, will you please give the Princess a mask."

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