Part 1 - Official Training Day

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'Ugh, what did I get myself into...' I thought to myself. I turned over to grab my phone and check the time, it was 6:30 in the morning.

"Can't a girl get some sleep around here?!" I yelled into my pillow and let out a big sigh.

'This is only the first day of official training at Overwatch HQ, how am I going to survive months of this back-to-back?' I was feeling a bit nervous, even though this was day one and surely they'd go easy on all of the new recruits, I couldn't help but feel like I didn't have what it takes to be a true hero. I woke up to daylight shining into my room through the curtains and started to panic.

"Oh my god, what time is it?!" I yelled to myself.

It was 7:10 AM, training started at 7 AM, and I was 10 minutes late on my first day. I rushed to get dressed and look somewhat presentable, then bolted out the door to the dining hall.

After arriving at the dining hall, I saw an older, but kind-looking woman at the door taking attendance. I was pretty much panting at this point, I clearly wasn't the best when it came to running long distances.

"H-hi! So sorry I am late, I can exp-" I was cut off by the older lady.

"No worries dear, my name is Ana, and you are...?" she asked.

'Ah, so this is the famous sharpshooter Ana! I thought she'd be... younger.'

"My name is (y/n)," I responded, shocked by the fact that she wasn't mad at me for being late, "It's nice to meet you, Ana!"

"It's nice to meet you as well (y/n). Now, you better get in there, we need you to be well-prepared for your training activities." Ana said.

"Yes, I'll head in now, thank you, Ana!" I said happily and quickly headed into the dining hall.

Upon walking in, I couldn't help but feel like everyone was staring at me. Quickly finding an empty seat, I sat down to avoid attracting further unwanted attention. It looks like they were showing a presentation about the members of Overwatch to start.

Two familiar faces were leading the orientation, Winston, and Soldier: 76 (also known as Jack Morrison).

Assuming they introduced themselves at the start of the presentation, they were now moving on to other members like McCree, Pharah, Reinhardt, Mercy, and so on. The next image that appeared on the screen startled me a bit.

It was an image of a man with soot and ash all over his body, his hair was practically on fire. He had a weird posture, and a creepy grin plastered on his face. 'Is this man really a part of Overwatch?' I thought to myself.

Then Jack spoke, "This is... Junkrat," he said in an almost disappointed tone. "Junkrat specializes in explosive weaponry."

"What kind of name is that..." I mumbled.

"Hehehu, I think it's a moighty fine name if I do say so myself!" said someone with a heavy Australian accent behind me.

I quickly spun around to look, not realizing I spoke loud enough for someone to hear. Sheer terror flooded my mind when I saw who it was, I couldn't help but let out a small scream. It was Junkrat himself.

Clutching my mouth, I realized I just screamed in a room full of people... during a presentation... on my first day...

"Is everything okay over there?" Jack asked in a harsh tone.

"Everythin's fine ova here Jack, no need to worry~" Junkrat said while laughing.

Jack looked mad but got back to presenting pretty quickly so as to not waste what he deemed as valuable time. For the rest of the presentation, I sat quietly, and to be honest, I was a bit scared.

"Report back here tomorrow at the same time, we will be assigning your instructors for training during tomorrow's meeting. For the rest of today feel free to explore the building and relax, you have some tough days ahead of you soldiers. You are now dismissed." Jack stated.

I mustered up the courage to turn around and apologize to Junkrat, but he was nowhere to be found. 'Ugh, great. I made an ass out of myself to an official Overwatch member, and it just so happened to be the crazy one.'

I decided it was time to walk back to my room to take a hot shower and then go explore the rest building.

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