Part 5 - Instructor Assignment Day

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. It was 6:30 AM. Today is instructor assignment day, 'I wonder who I'll get...'

For some reason, I was no longer opposed to the idea of Junkrat being my instructor. I think I'm just looking for an excuse to get close to him again.

After a quick shower, I threw on my favorite outfit and made my way to the dining hall. They were serving giant waffles today with a wide variety of flavors and fruit toppings, they also had eggs, bacon, hash-browns, and other delicious sides.

I grabbed a plate of my favorite things and went to sit down at an empty table. I was joined by Hana, who also had her breakfast.

"I'm surprised you're still alive after disappearing with Junkrat..." she laughed.

"Yeah, I was a bit scared to be honest, but he's actually kind of sweet." I replied.

"So, are you an instructor for Overwatch?" I asked Hana.

"Who, me? Haha no. I'm too young, and haven't been with Overwatch long enough to qualify. Some day though!" she said, she seemed excited for the future.

"Alright everyone," a harsh familiar voice that belonged to Jack echoed through the room, "instructor assignment day has come. While you are enjoying your breakfast, we will hand out cards with your instructor information on them."

Jack and his team started handing out the cards. They eventually made their way to our table.

"Here you are (y/n), welcome to the team!" Jack said in an encouraging tone.

Hana was shoveling down her breakfast next to me as I opened my card to see who I'd be training under. She glanced over to read the card and almost choked on her food.

"Oh. My. God." Hana managed to say while coughing.

I was in shock. I had gotten assigned two instructors. I read the card aloud in my head 'Dear (y/n), due to your excellent score on the entrance exam, we decided to assign you two of our best instructors. Please introduce yourself to Jesse McCree and Jamison Fawkes (Junkrat).'

I couldn't help but wonder what training under both of them would be like. I was shocked to say the least. I quickly finished up my breakfast and went to greet my instructors.

I spotted McCree in the distance and made my way to him. But before I could speak he greeted me "Hey Darlin', how can I help you?"

"H-hi, my name is (y/n), you are one of my assigned instructors." I stumbled over my words, McCree was quite attractive and it was making me anxious trying to talk to him.

"Ah, yes, (y/n)!" He tipped his hat and then went on to explain the details of our training plan.

After a bit of talking, he wrapped things up.

"So, just to recap, we meet every other day for training around 10 am in the training sector, if you have any further questions, I'd be happy to assist ya!" McCree stated.

"I think you explained everything perfectly, McCree. Thank you!" I replied.

"Oh, please, call me Jesse. No need for formalities with me. I'll catch ya 'round
(y/n). " He replied.

'What a nice man...' 

I was happy that he seemed normal and polite. Training with him should go smoothly. Now it's time to find Jamison.

'I wonder if he knows, and if so, what was his reaction to finding out?'

I was interrupted mid-thought by a cold metal hand grabbing my shoulder. I turned to see Jamison leaning down to match my height with a huge grin on his face. This sent a chill down my spine. I remembered his cold touch during our encounter yesterday, and now we are face to face again...

"Good mawnin! Did ya hear the news yet? I'm ya instructor!" he exclaimed.

"Good morning, Jamison, yes. I did hear that, but you are ONE of my two instructors." I replied with a smile.

He looked confused, "Ya got two?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess I did so well on the entrance exam they assigned me to McCree and you." I said excitedly.

The expression on Jamison's face changed, it seemed like he was jealous?

"That's great shiela... well, at least I get to be one of ya instructors!" He was back to smiling.

"Our scheduled trainin' time is every other day at 8 AM and I expect ya to be there on time mate! No exceptions!" He laughed.

His smile was actually starting to become quite an adorable sight. I couldn't help but smile and laugh with him.

"You've got it Junk- I mean... Jamison," I saluted to him and winked "you have my word!"

"Aye, (y/n), there's somethin' I've been wantin' to ask-" Jamison was cut off mid-sentence as a giant hand landed on his shoulder.

"O-oh, hi Roadhog! Did I introduce ya to my new friend yet?" Jamison asked.

Roadhog stayed silent, staring at me.

"Uh... I'll take that as a no. Roadhog meet (y/n), (y/n) meet Roadhog! He is my best mate around here, isn't that roight Roadhog?" Junkrat said staring at his friend with puppy-dog eyes.

Roadhog let out a loud huff of approval. Then his low voice spoke, "We need to leave, we are goin' to be late."

"Ahaha~ how could I forget! Thanks mate. Well, (y/n), catch ya later!" Jamison waved goodbye and was practically skipping away as he walked next to Roadhog.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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