Part 3 - The Game Room

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I looked around the room and realized there were all sorts of games in here, consoles, PCs, arcade style games, and more. 'What an amazing assortment of entertainment. Overwatch really seems to care about their members.'

"So Hana, do you have a favorite game in here?" I asked my new friend.

"Yes! I absolutely LOVE playing Wii Sports Resort, and before you say it, yes, I know it's a bit outdated but it's a classic!" she exclaimed.

Hana loaded up the Wii, and we played for at least 2 hours. She was so good at this game, I only came close to winning once. We were in the middle of a sword play battle in Wii Sports Resort when the game room door was kicked open by none other than the Junker Queen.

I felt a chill run down my spine, Lena had told me to stay away from the Junkers, and it seems I can't escape them.

Hana looked quite frustrated, "Hey! Remember what happened last time? You broke the door in, and they said they won't replace it if it breaks again." she lectured.

Trailing behind the Queen was Roadhog and Junkrat. Deciding not to get roped into any conversation, I urged Hana to just keep playing.

Everything was going fine until Junker Queen almost broke one of the game consoles. Hana paused our game and ran over to lecture her about caring for the equipment which resulted in a full-blown discussion of how to use the console properly.

Seeing that this was going to take a while, I sat down on the sofa in the game room and went on my phone. All of a sudden, I felt someone jump on the couch next to me, I looked over to see Junkrat getting comfortable.

'Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me' I thought to myself.

"Aye, sheila, ya doing' alright ova here by ya self?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine. Just waiting for Hana so we can wrap things up before I go explore the rest of the building." I said quickly.

"Ooo, I know just what ya need! A grand tour of the Overwatch headquarters by yours truly~ So wha'd ya say, will ya join me on a tour?" Junkrat asked, his voice full of excitement.

'Oh, how I really want to say no... but if I go maybe I'll get on his good side and he'll finally leave me alone.'

"You know what, sure, I'll take the opportunity for a tour. It beats getting lost in this place." I said, still not fully sure why I agreed.

Junkrat's eyes lit up with joy and his wide creepy smile grew to take up half of his face. I couldn't help but take a moment to examine his features. 'He's so dirty, just covered in soot and ash, and his hair is still on fire at the ends? He's...not wearing a shirt, but he looks quite strong. His muscles are toned to perfection- what the hell am I thinking?! I would never in a million years think Junkrat is hot, not a chance.'

My heart was racing faster than normal, and I must've been blushing. It seemed like Junkrat could tell exactly what I was thinking.

"Don't get any ideas mate, this tour doesn't come with those koinds of benefits," he smirked, "well, that is unless ya want 'em to! Hehehe~"

'Did he just flirt with me... or is he just trying to be funny?!'

In the midst of feeling shocked and flustered, I quickly replied "Let's just get going with the tour!"

I turned to Hana to say goodbye "Hey, Hana, it was nice playing with you, we should do this again soon!"

Hana's eyes widened when she saw who was standing next to me, "U-uh yeah, this was really fun! See ya again soon... and... stay safe."

Junkrat held the door open for me, "Here ya go, m'lady!" He said, still bearing his wide and creepy grin.

"T-thank you" I stumbled on my words and walked through the doorway.

'Why was this seemingly crazy man being so kind to me? Or is this how he was to everyone? No, that can't be, Lena and Hana seem terrified of him...'

~Author's note: Hi! Just wanted to let you know the NSFW parts will start coming in slowly, as stated in a previous note. This next chapter may come a little close to counting as NSFW but I have some greater plans in mind for when that will come in with more detail/longer scenes.

I hope you enjoy the story so far!~

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