Telling Stiles

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After Scott and Quinn finished their conversation she got up and walked back to her room. She laid down on her bed staring up at the ceiling replaying everything that just happened in her head. Quinn was so happy that Scott was okay with it. Well sorta okay with it. She knew she was going to be right. Stiles was Scott's best friend, but she lived with him mostly her whole life. She figured it was best to tell Stiles the good news rather than later. She reached over to her nightstand to grab her phone where she left it charging. She unplugged it and called Stiles. It rang two times before a completely nerve wracking voice answered "Quinn thank God. Do I need to melt silver and gather wolfsbane? Or I'll just get mountain ash. Yeah. I'll do that."
"Are you trying to stop Scott or kill him, because from what you are saying I can't tell?" She asked "Well to be honest it kinda depends on how he took the news." He answered this made my smile even bigger "Well I told him that we said I love you to each other and That you make me happier than I have ever been, and that you treat me like a princess. He was actually pretty cool with it. He said he would try his best to keep you alive." She told him."Wow so Scott really said all of that?" He asked sounding surprised. "Well he also said that if you ever make me cry or break my heart you will not live to see the sun the next morning." She explained the rest of the conversation she had just a few minutes ago with her brother. "That sounds more like the Scott I know."
"Anyways I was right so you owe me a kiss."

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