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OMG! Today is the day! Today is the day that I am marrying the love of my life. I can't wait. I have the biggest smile on my face...Is what I should be saying, but am I? No. What was I thinking? What if we are too young? What if his dad starts to hate me? What if Stiles starts to hate me? What if we divorce after we have kids? Who will have custody? What if I can't get a job? In my mind I was coming up with all of these "what If" questions and worries. Liam, Derek, and Scott could all feel the emotion I was feeling. All three of them came in the room together. All of them, but Scott froze and stared at me. Scott turned back and looked at them "What?" Scott asked. Derek and Liam looked at each other and both answered "She is a beautiful bride."

Scott's POV
As I was sitting in my seat on the brides side along with the rest of the pack, except Malia. She was on the grooms side. Her and Quinn were never really friends. But I started hearing a really fast heartbeat and the worry coming off from someone. Liam turned to me and said "Do you feel and hear that too?" I nodded. We both got up and noticed it was coming from the brides dressing room. We met up with Derek on the way there. We we went into the room and Quinn was standing there in her beautiful white dress. She was still worried and scared "Guys I don't think I can do this." She explained I went on to her and hugged her "it is just pre wedding jitters." I said to calm her down. At that point they let her know it was time. She took a deep breath and took my arm.

Quinn's POV
As I was making my way to the alise I was still so nervous, but once we turned the corner and I saw Stiles all my worries and fear, just washed away. Scott let me go as I was face to face with the love of my life. The pastor said all the things he should say. Then it was my turn to speak "I do." Then it was Stiles' turn "I do." He said looking directly into my eyes. After the wedding we had the reception and we stayed up all night breaking it down on the dance floor. I will never forget this day.

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