Three long years

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Yes I'm doing a few time skips, it would be sorta boring if I only went with everyday life separately so I'm doing this one time skip, for now.


Naruto and Shikamaru have been dating for two years working on three now, since Shikamaru came to Uzushiogakure he's stuck to his word. He hasn't left Naruto's side once, he knows about the Akatsuki and they listen to him as well like Naruto.

Uzushiogakure has officially been rebuilt with Naruto as the Uzukage and Shikamaru is his advisor, both write to Tsunade monthly to let her know how they are doing and how Uzushiogakure is doing as well. Tsunade has made no mentions about either of the boys when around the council knowing they'll do anything for more power that shouldn't have nor be getting.

The Nara's are glad to know that the boys are well and so are the selected few in konohagakure who know they are fine as well.

The rest are completely unaware of the conversations with the two rogue/banished boys.

The ones who knew about Naruto and Shikamaru's whereabouts have since ignored and abandoned their old friends and stuck with eachother, keeping their two friends location secret and ignoring the ones who treated Naruto like shit.

Asuma has been only training Choji after the first letter from Shikamaru, Ino had to train on her own or with her clan. The Ino-shika-cho alliance has been disbanded since Choji and the Akimichi's and the Nara's want nothing to do with the Yamanaka's anymore. Kiba has stopped talking to Hinata and the rest of his old friends and sticks to the ones who care deeply for Naruto and Shikamaru.

Sakura has been abandoned by all of her friends except Ino and Hinata, Sasuke pays no mind to her and keeps demanding Naruto's location. He's been denied all attempts to know and he's even went to the council to demand Naruto's location but they have no idea where he is and don't even Care but they still care for their "precious" Uchiha.

Shikamaru was writing a letter to Neji that he'd have him read to the names in the second list he was writing on, Naruto was asleep on his chest after doing paperwork and going around the village to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy.

Once checking everything he wrote down he rolled them up and placed a Genjutsu on them before doing a certain type of whistle summoning a Deer, the Deer's name was funo "yes Lord Shikamaru?" Funo called "I need you to deliver these to Neji Hyuga" he held up the letters "of course, I'd happily deliver them for you" Naruto turned on Shikamaru's chest before drifting back off to sleep, "lord Naruto is sleeping again?" Funo asked "yes, but he's fine just tired" Shikamaru said then placed the letters inside the pouch around the Deer's side and close the pouch.

"Tell Neji that there is a Genjutsu on there that will dispel once he touches it, after that you can go back home" Funo nodded and dipped his head disappearing in a poof to Konohagakure, this nor being his first time. "I wonder when they'll stop calling me lord, Naruto keeps getting called Naruto-sama by the foxes and lord by the Deer's" Shikamaru wondered as he pulled Naruto closed to him and drifted to sleep on the couch with Naruto in his arms.

Neji was training when a Deer appeared, he's seen this deer once or twice but not enough to get used to the random appearances "lord Neji, lord Shikamaru has some letters for you" Funo called and turned "lord Neji?" He asked and the Deer nodded "it is a respectful way to call those who are close to lord Shikamaru" Funo said as Neji grabbed the letters "until next lord Neji" Funo dipped his head and poofed out of the field.

TenTen and Lee were walking to the their training ground when they seen Neji reading something and walked over "Neji! What you are you reading?" TenTen asked him making the male look over to his teammates/ friends. "Just some monthly updates from Shikamaru and Naruto" he said making the pair perk up "they wrote to us?" Lee asked looking over Neji's shoulder "well Shikamaru did, he said Naruto's asleep" Neji told him skimming through the letter.

TenTen looked over his other shoulder and began to read herself.


Dear Neji, TenTen and Lee,

It's Shikamaru and Naruto. Just some monthly updates to you guys, we're doing well where we're at, Naruto's asleep right now and I had Funo deliver these.

I need to write to Tsunade tomorrow and get Naruto to write to her as well as jiraya.

How are you guys? Everything alright there?

Naruto's been wanting to know how you guys are this month and you haven't wrote back yet, I've heard that the Ino-shika-cho alliance was disbanded from Tsunade, not much of a surprise to me really. She had it coming once she thought Naruto was a damn burden when he's just as human as the rest of us. From what I hear from Tsunade is that Choji has snapped at her a few times, I've known him since we were little and I know that he only does that when he's pissed so my guess is she bad mouthed Naruto and said that the troublesome blonde brainwashed me.

Well she's plain out wrong, I came on my own free will and I've stayed true to my word. Naruto's currently on my chest asleep, he's been busy and me being the helper I am helped him and me being a Nara I'm also tired so I'm taking a nap with the blonde.

I'll send a letter next month, also let the others know. I've made a list of names who should know about this, it's in the smaller letter. Keep that on you, cause any time you get a letter from me or Naruto it'll have the same names unless some kind of turn of events happen.

Welp that's it for now, Naruto says hi btw.

Till next month.

Shikamaru Nara and Naruto Uzumaki.


The trio blinked.

They looked at one another and blinked again. Neji looked at the smaller piece of paper and seen the list of names. "Tell the others about this and have them write letters to them?" TenTen suggested "yes! Youthful praise shall be given!" Lee thrusted a fist into the air "calm down Lee but yes TenTen, we'll write to them and we'll have lady Tsunade deliver them since we don't have summoning jutsu's yet" Neji said and the trio walked out of the training ground and off to find their group.


Chapter written: November 28, 2022.

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