Chūnin exams: Uzushiogakure joins! PT: 1

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Tsunade sent the letters from a certain group, herself and jiraya to Uzushiogakure through one of her summons. She was signing something when a tap to the window caught he attention, it was a warhawk, she got up and opened the window taking the letter and watching at the warhawk flew off and she closed the window.

It was a letter from Sunagakure.

She took off the tie and un-rolled it.


Dear fifth hokage,

It's Gaara, Naruto has said he'll join the Chūnin exams this year. He wanted me to tell you but keep it secret for now, he'll be arriving in Suna in a week with his group and Shikanaru but they'll have their cloaks and Uzukage attire when we enter Konohagakure.

I wish you well and Naruto said he'll be writing to you once he arrives in Suna cause Shikamaru smacked the back of his head for forgetting to do so, I did the same thing.

Kazekage Gaara Sabuku.


She smiled "I'll get to see the Gaki again, for now I'll keep it secret" she hid the letter in one of the drawers of her desk then sat down and pulled out a bottle of sake. She poured herself a cup and downed it down her throat.

She smirked "those old fogeys are in for a surprise" she let out a chuckle. Making arrangements for Uzushiogakure once they arrived with Suna, Naruto and Shikamaru would be staying with her, she was not trusting the Inn's or any of the villagers after what they put Naruto through.

Naruto pouted as he rubbed the back of his head "I said I'm sorry for forgetting" he pouted at his boyfriend who walked right beside him with a few Akatsuki members behind mask and different cloaks on behind him. "How can you forget that?" Itachi asked "I didn't mean too" Naruto whined "troublesome blonde" Shikamaru said moving his mask to the side of his head to look at Naruto better, he poked his forehead "you really need to stop forgetting to write to her" Shikamaru told him "I get it shika, now stop making me whine about it" Naruto whined again "when we get to Suna you're writing to her or I'm going to have Gaara smack you're head" Shikamaru stated "come on!" Naruto complained and threw his head back with a groan.

"Uzukage-sama whines alot" Kisame said "I said stop calling me that already" Naruto folded his arms "troublesome blonde, they're not going to stop calling you that. Whether you're friends or not, you're still the Uzukage and you'll need to be called that once we get to Konohagakure" the word Konohagakure left a bitter taste in three of the members of the group.

Itachi hated Konohagakure especially Danzō and the council, Shikamaru hated Konohagakure for how they treated Naruto who was his troublesome blonde, and Naruto hated every bit of Konohagakure except for the selected few people.

They approached Sunagakure's gates, the guards bowed "Uzukage-sama, lord Kazekage is expecting you. You may enter" the gates opened and Uzushiogakure entered the village.

Naruto waved his head "Chūnins, Genin's and Jōnins move out to the Inn's or explore, don't cause trouble and do not cause any damage or disruption to anyone or the village. Understand?" Naruto instructed "hai Uzukage-sama!" They all spread out, Naruto groaned "I'll never get used to to that" Kisame and Deidra chuckled "you will eventually" Itachi said "I'm agreeing with Weasel" Shikamaru said "we all have our code names but I don't know why I'm weasel again" Itachi frowned "atleast you're not Uzukage-sama, besides your ANBU name was Weasel" Naruto pointed out, Itachi let out a silent groan and followed Naruto with the others following him.

Naruto smirked and kicked in the door to the Kage office "I'm here!" Naruto said cheerfully Gaara gave him a deadpanned look "you didn't have to kick in the door" Gaara said "hey it was a cool entrance" Naruto pouted "but you broke my door" Gaara said gesturing to the broken door and small crack in the wall.

"Yeah yeah I'll pay you later for the damage" Naruto said "you're not using you're money" all of them said at Naruto "but--" Naruto tried to reason "no" is their straight response. Naruto frowned "I'm paying him with my money later without them noticing" Naruto said in his head completely forgetting that Shikamaru can hear kurama thanks to kurama giving Shikamaru some of his chakra.

"Naruto I will hide all you're money if you try to send some secretly" Shikamaru said "what how!" Naruto shouted "you forgot a huge fox that's sealed inside you remember" Shikamaru folded his arms, Naruto frowned "stupid fox! Why'd you tell him!" Naruto whined at kurama.

"You are not spending any more money! You shouldn't have spent any of it on the building of the village!"
Kurama scolded knowing Shikamaru was hearing but Naruto forgot already about that.
"But it was for the good of the village and it helped!" Naruto argued with kurama.
"I'm hiding you're money" Shikamaru stated.
"What no!" Naruto yelled.
"Well you should have thought of that before using it with helping the village building! Also you're getting a lecture by me and kurama later" Naruto groaned. "Make that three lectures" Gaara said "four" "five" "six"

"Not you guys too!" Naruto whined.

Shikamaru pulled Naruto to him and sat him down as they all began to lecture Naruto on spending his money. Naruto had to sit in silence while being scolded and lectured.

He sweatdropped and pouted at them.

He was way to kind hearted for his own good but had hatred for Konohagakure.


Chapter written: November 28, 2022.

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