Chapter 6; Plan of attack

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I walked home still feeling numb from my talk with Andy. He knew I knew, and he was going to flaunt it in my face. Who knows what he would do to me if I tried going to the police? More importantly what did Haley do that made him actually kill her? I mean Andy was a lot of things but a killer, not one of them. I walked passed her house again and stopped, maybe I could find answers if I looked from the source. I needed to get into Haley's room.
I walked up her driveway, part of me wanted to scream, cry, thrash. I couldn't take being in this yard, there were to many memories, and I knew it would only get worst once I got inside, still this was something I needed to do. I wouldn't let that asshole get away with killing my best friend.
I knocked on the door and Haley's mom answered,
"Hi mama," I said smiling,
"Hey baby," she said smiling,
"I was wondering, if maybe I could go up to Haley's room, and I don't know, look around." She smiled at me I'm a kinda sympathetic way,
"Of course dearie," she moved aside letting me in. I walked into the familiar house and up the stairs, it felt so different this time. I walked through the hall and to Haley's door, a sign that said "Haley's room" was hung by tap on the bottom it was signed with a "Charity was here," we made this last summer,
I twisted the doorknob and opened it, it made a creaking noise. I walked in shutting it behind me.
I looked around and saw Haley's clothes still laying on the bed from the night before she went missing. Her comforter was bunched up, and her pillows were spread all over the place. It felt like I was looking at home, but it was different. More sad.
I walked over to her desk on the right side of the room, he laptop sat there shut, I opened it and typed in her password, which I knew by heart.
I looked at her desktop. It was a picture from Halloween last year, I had been Alice and she had been the Mad Hatter, I wiped my eyes, I was tearing up already.
I looked at all the tabs that were still opened. There was a search bar opened for missing people in our town. I clicked on it, it had updated already. Haley's face was staring at me, but instead of missing it said found, but dead.
"Oh God," I breathed holding onto the cross that rested around my neck. I scrolled down the list, three people from our school were still missing. I click on a girl named Emily Decker, she was pretty blonde and about my age.
"Why were you looking up missing people Hal," I whispered to myself. I felt myself shiver.
Then a vibration in my pocket made me jump, I sighed in relief and took out my phone. It was Tommy,
"Hello," I breathed,
"Hey babe are you okay?" He asked, I contemplated telling him where I was, but than again he thought I was crazy.
"Yes, I'm at home," I whispered, I heard him shift uncomfortably.
"Char, why are you lying to me?" He asked, how the hell did he know?
"I'm not," I muttered back.
"Yeah well I went to drop you off some food in my break right now. Your not here." He whispered trying to control his anger.
"I'll be home soon, go back to work so you don't get in trouble," I whispered back. I could hear his breathing getting even more uneven with anger and worry.
"I told them I had an emergency." He muttered, he was gonna get fired because I was a little late getting home? Than I had to remember that he had also just lost one of his best friends, he's just worried about you, Charity. A voice in my head said.
"Okay, I'll tell you about it when I get back home, I gotta go, I love you," I said quickly, I heard him start to say something but before he could finish I hung up on him. I looked around her desk shutting her laptop and then seeing she had a notebook on the side, I took it shoving it in my bag and leaving.
Plan of attack,
Bring Andrew down.
Make sure he could never do anything like this to anyone, ever again.

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