Chapter 7; Are You Crazy?

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I walked out of Haley's room shutting her door with my whole body, I wanted my best friend back.
I walked down the stairs swearing I could hear Haley's laughter as I walked through the halls. I shivered violently.
I was in the kitchen now, I saw Haley's mom sitting at the table crying her eyes out. Poor woman. I just wanted to give her a hug and tell her that It was all going to be okay, that I was going to take care of this scumbag. I knocked on the wall so I could get her attention. She looked up wiping her eyes quickly,
"Charity, did you find what you were looking for?" She asked, she had her apron on, probably baking.
"Yes, I'm so sorry about everything," I muttered then I hugged her, she squeezed me tight then let go,
"Please come and visit again," she said, I nodded I would,
I walked out the front door, it had become dark outside. I walked down the street and to my house. There standing in the front door was no other than my boyfriend ladies and gentlemen, and he was mad.
"Hi," I said shyly. His face was red,
"Hi? That's all you have to say?" He asked, I sighed walking past his tall figure, I already knew my dad and stepmom weren't home, their cars weren't I'm front.
I walked through the living room but was stopped when Tommy grabbed my arm. His grip was really tight, but not in a harsh way.
"Where the hell were you Charity?" He asked. I frowned looking down. I didn't want to have this conversation again, he would just think I'm crazy.
"I was talking to Haley's mom about something," I answered, he was still gripping my hand tightly, I felt like a little kid.
"That's it?" He asked easing an eyebrow at me, I looked into my eyes and knew I could never lie to him.
"No, that's not everything." I whispered.
"Sit down," he said motioning to the couch in the corner.
"Okay," I whispered back. I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks.
"What happened when I left you this morning?" He asked looking at me with wide eyes,
"I went to Haley's house," I muttered,
"I went in her room." I continued, his eyes started to look sympathetic. I hadn't been in her room since she died, and he knew that.
"What did you do in there?" He asked, trying to get me to talk about my feelings.
"I just looked around, I went in her laptop, mostly I just sat there," I whispered, I was still keeping stuff from him but not as much now.
"Are you okay?" He asked, I shook my head, then I felt the tears coming, I started to sob,
"I miss her so much," I cried,
"I know, I do to Char," he whispered pulling me into him,
We stayed there curled up on the corner of my couch, close to each other. Then we heard the front door open,
"Charity? Tommy? You guys here?" I heard Amy call, I wiped my cheeks, then sat up, looking to Tommy,
"Yeah we're in here Mrs Smith," he called to her,
"How are my two favorite teenagers?" She asked walking into the room holding to large bags of groceries, I quickly got up and grabbed one from her and Tommy grabbed the other,
"Mom, you shouldn't be carrying anything heavy, you heard what the doctor said, you have high blood pressure that's not good for the baby." I said, she shook her head and gave out a little chuckle. Tommy and I carried the bags to the kitchen,
"So what did you two do today?" She asked, I couldn't tell her the truth,
"I went and talked to Haley's mama," I whispered, not sure if I should tell her I went over there.
"Oh yeah? How is she?" Mom asked, I sighed and said,
"As good as you can expect her to be," she nodded,
"Poor woman," Tommy was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, obviously not done talking to me about what happened. I frowned a little, I had to tell him about my plan,
"Hey Mom, we're gonna go watch a movie in my room, just yell if you need me, okay?" I ask, she smiles at us and nods,
"You two go ahead, I'm gonna call your father and see when he's coming home from the office,"
My dad was a lawyer and he worked all kinds of weird hours.
"Okay, tell him I love him," I answered while I grabbed Tommy's hand and led him to my room. We laid on the bed but I didn't have a movie in mind.
"I have a plan," I whispered,
"For what?" He sat up, pushing hair behind my ear, I looked up at him through my lashes, he was going to think I was crazy.
"To put that fucker in jail," I whispered, his eyes widened a little,
"Charity, you don't even know if it's him," he started, I shook my head,
"It's him, I just need proof, I want to go to the cops,"
"And tell them what?"
"That I know!" I exclaimed, he looked shocked that I yelled, but I told him numerous times,
"Charity," he said, he looked at me cautiously,
"Are you crazy?"

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