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A tensed silence hung over them for a few long moments, before Hoseok asked, "What do you mean?"

Seokjin's eyes flickered from him and Hoseok, but he didn't say anything. His plump lips were pressed firmly together, like he was preventing words from slipping out his mouth.

"Namjoon," Yoongi called, "what's going on?" His voice soft but firm, Yoongi sounded like his usual self when correcting Namjoon. It made his heart heavy. Before, he always thought that Yoongi had always told him the truth.

When Namjoon asks if there was something on his mind, Yoongi would brush it off and say its nothing.

He had kept the two worlds a secret from him, and carried the burden of the truth to himself. Namjoon was right there, and he would've listened to Yoongi if he only opened up.

Was he not trustworthy? Did Yoongi not see him as someone who he could trust with his problems?

"Can...Can we talk inside?"

"Yeah, yeah. Of course," Yoongi answered immediately.

"Yoongi." Seokjin looked at said man with those intense white and blue eyes. With them changing so often, it was hard to pinpoint what he was really intending. "How many times—"

"Last. Last one, partner." Yoongi glared at him, Seokjin doing the same.

They held a silent competition between themselves, and after a while Seokjin speaks up. "Fine. But make sure its true this time, I heard that phrase last time with that kid."

Yoongi looked hurt, but he turned to Namjoon and nodded. He lead the two inside.

Hoseok seemed quiet than what he's used to, but Namjoon couldn't blame him. He was surrounded by strangers he didn't know, and on top of that, two of them didn't seem to get along. He made a mental note to talk to Hoseok after this.

They sat around the living room awkwardly. Hoseok sat beside him, so that gave him some sort of silent encouragement. Or maybe Hoseok only sat beside Namjoon because he was the only one he was kind of familiar with.

"What's going on, Namjoon?" Yoongi asked again.

Hoseok gave him a look, then a nod. Namjoon told them about their situation, from start to the most recent event.

Hoseok occasionally piped in to add some details or correct him, which Namjoon found quite cute. He would move his hands gently to show his point, and sometimes when he talked his lips would pout.

Namjoon resisted the urge to squeal.

While they were explaining, Seokjin put back his contact lenses, so his eyes were normal. Or at least, the most normal it could be. If you looked closely, you could see the whites and blues shifting underneath. It unsettled Namjoon.

When they were done, Yoongi nodded. "This seems a lot more serious, but its nothing we can't handle." Seokjin smirked, but he didn't say anything.

"Have you handled worse?" Namjoon asked.

"Not worse, but more complicated." Yoongi straightened his back. "We'll have to take you somewhere safer while we investigate." He turned to Hoseok. "Ah, if that's okay."

The latter didn't say anything. Namjoon kind of felt bad. Hoseok was being tossed around in a place he wasn't familiar with, and was being forced to go to places with people he was unsure of.

"What do you mean 'somewhere safer'?" he asked. From how Yoongi said it, it sounded like the place they were in was somehow dangerous. Like something, or someone, was after them.

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