20 3 1

"Okay, Yoongi. I trust you."

As soon as Namjoon said those words, Yoongi felt his heart break into a million pieces. Even if he only said the truth, he felt like a liar.

He dreamt of this happening, but he never thought it would come true. He wished it would just stay a dream forever. But if his dreams were not dreams, and were visions instead...

"Namjoon," he said, gulping his feelings and guilt down, "There's something on your temple."

"Hmm?" Namjoon looked at him confused. "Where? What is it?" He touched his forehead experimentatively.

"I'll get it for you," he said as he reached out. As soon as the tips of his fingers touched Namjoon's skin, he suddenly put both hands on his temples and told him to sleep. His hands emitted a soft blue mist, and Namjoon drifted off.

Yoongi gently laid him down on the couch and sighed. He didn't want to do this, not to Namjoon, but he had to. It was the only way.

He kneeled in front of him and placed both of his palms against Namjoon's temples. This time, he chanted a few lines in Latin and told Namjoon to forget. The mist his hands emitted were purple.

His heart felt so much heavier and his knees wobbled. He was a liar. He just tricked Namjoon and made him forget about his stupid slip-up about erasing memories. He cursed his stupid self and his stupid heritage. A lot of times, he wished he wasn't born into his family.

His family, Min, were of royal blood. Seokjin's too.

Way back in the begininng of time, the world was split, or duplicated, to two. The first royal family had a gift. They were born with the knowledge of this phenomenon, and Yoongi was one of them.

They had responsibilities and extra work to do. His family was in charge of erasing memories of the two worlds. The minds of those who are not of royal blood can't handle that knowledge for long. Being exposed to that even just for a little while can cause serious damage, that's why they erase it.

He hated doing that. He felt like a liar.

Every single day Yoongi feels himself slowly drowning from all of it. He would rather live in ignorance than deal with this.

Anything other than this.

As he was about to pull away, a shock went through him and he blacked out.

Or so he thought.

A shushing sound got louder and louder and he opened his eyes to find himself in a completely different place.

He stood on an empty road surrounded by tall grass and broken down buildings. A soft drizzle of snow fell, coating everything in a thin layer of white.

It was peaceful.

Even what he felt like was different. He was so energized and full of adrenaline, like he had just ran for miles.

It was like he was a completely different person. Something about it was peaceful—as if he was not burdened with such a heritage—but unsettling.

Footsteps came from his left and a man stopped ahead of him. Somehow, he knew who it was without being familiar with him.

His soft hair slowly danced in the air along with the fake fur on his coat. He spread his arms around and yelled joyously.

Something about the man was comforting. Just his prescence alone made his day less unbearable, and it made him feel like getting up in the morning to do a million things.

As the man turned around to look at him, his heart fluttered.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hoseok asked with a blush on his face. "C'mon, Joon, let's go!" He took his hand and pulled him to run.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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