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"Jeno, you're late!" said the lecturer, noticing Jeno slipping into class five minutes late.

"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again," Jeno apologized, taking a seat beside his best friend, Jaemin.

"You're not the type to come late to class. What happened today?" Jaemin asked, giving Jeno a suspicious look.

"Well, something happened at the dorm."

"Dorm? Oh, wait, is it about Renjun?" Before Jeno could respond, the professor called for attention, forcing them to focus on the lesson.

"Later," Jeno whispered, rolling his eyes at Jaemin, who chuckled.

After two hours of calculus, they bowed to the lecturer. Jaemin stared at Jeno, grinning.


"Tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"What happened between you and Renjun today? You know you can't run away from me."

Jeno sighed. "I just helped him get to sleep because he was afraid of the thunder."

"And then?"

"We cuddled."


After Jeno pulled Renjun into a hug, they lay on the couch side by side. Renjun, frightened by the thunder, hugged Jeno tighter. Jeno panicked and blushed, unsure why he offered the hug, but he thought it was the right thing to do anyway. He put his hand on Renjun's back and brushed it to comfort him more.

A few minutes later, Renjun fell asleep. Jeno stayed still, noticing his class was about to start. Not wanting to wake Renjun, he gently carried him bridal style to his room and tucked him into bed before rushing off to class.

"That's what happened today," Jeno said shyly. Jaemin looked at him in disbelief.

"You never did that for me when I slept on your couch."

"Why the hell should I carry you? It's my couch you're sleeping on."

"Okay, fine! Anyway, what do you think of Renjun?"

Jeno frowned. "Why would you ask that?"

"I don't know. He's kind, I guess."

"You don't like him?"

"Jaemin, I just met him. He's my roommate. How can I develop feelings for him?"

"Who knows? Sooner or later, you might like him," Jaemin laughed, but Jeno didn't. He was puzzled by Jaemin's questioning. "Jen, it's time to find someone. You've been single for who knows how long, and I think he's right for you."

Jeno stayed silent, his head low.

"Almost everyone who confessed to you, you rejected them! Renjun is cute, and I bet he likes you too."

"Okay, Jaemin, enough. If we're meant to be, it'll happen in its own time. For now, just shut up," Jeno snapped, glaring at his friend before walking away from the table.

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