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"How is it?" Jeno asked Renjun, hoping the rice he had cooked tasted good.

"Delicious, thank you," Renjun replied, smiling. Jeno ruffled his hair gently, causing butterflies to flutter in Renjun's stomach. If only Jeno knew how much his touch affected him.

They both jumped when there was a sudden knock on the door. Jeno went to answer it and found Haechan, who looked very concerned. "Where's Renjun?"

"Inside," Jeno replied. Haechan pushed past him to find Renjun, who looked at him in surprise.

"Haechan? What are you doing here?" Renjun asked, confused, as Haechan hugged him tightly.

"Oh my god! Mark told me what happened, and I was so worried, Junnie—why didn't you tell me?"

Right. He hadn't thought of Haechan when he was locked in the classroom, probably because he didn't want to worry him. But he should have.

"I'm sorry... I was caught up with everything that happened today and forgot to tell you," Renjun said, lowering his head.

Haechan sighed in relief and hugged him even tighter. "Thank God you're safe, but next time let me know too! Do you think your only boyfriend can save you from danger?"

Renjun widened his eyes and glanced at Jeno, who seemed unfazed by Haechan's words.

"H-He's not my boyfriend," Renjun protested, punching Haechan lightly.

"Not yet," Haechan whispered with a chuckle. "Anyway, since you're okay, I have to go now!"

"Where are you going?" Renjun asked.

"Date." Haechan winked and bid farewell to Jeno before closing the door behind him.

"He's weird," Renjun said, and both of them laughed.

"So, about what happened earlier, do you want to talk about it?" Jeno asked gently, sitting beside him and giving him a puppy-eyed look.

Renjun choked on his drink. Why was Jeno being so cute right now? "I don't know if I want to, but I just want to forget about it," he muttered, not wanting to think about it anymore. Jeno nodded and took Renjun's hand, intertwining their fingers.

Renjun was shocked and confused—why was Jeno holding his hand?

"Renjun, I have two extra tickets for the latest show at the cinema. Do you want to go with me this Friday after class?" Jeno asked.

Renjun took a deep breath, turning to face Jeno. He hadn't expected Jeno to ask him out. "I-I... Jeno-"

"It's fine! You don't have to answer now. I'll give you time, so just tell me if you want-"

"I do want to!" Renjun interrupted loudly, then shyly added, "I would love to go with you." Jeno smiled broadly at his response.

He let go of Renjun's hand, closed the space between them, and hugged him. "You look cute when you're blushing," he whispered in Renjun's ear. Renjun, blushing even more, pushed Jeno aside and quickly made his way to his room.

He could feel the heat in his cheeks. He hadn't expected this. He had been holding back his feelings for Jeno, but now what should he do?

This must be a dream. Am I dreaming?

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