Gilen part 2

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"Good. Now 2 younger students have decided to go after a witch and a hundred Kishin eggs all at once. They took off a couple hours ago. You need to stop them or if they are already in a battle help them. Everything else you need to know is in these folders. Now hurry.", he said, handed them each a folder, and then pushed them out the door.

Gilen and Y/n turned to each other. "I have some stuff I need to do. Can you meet me in front of the Academy in an hour?", he signed. Y/n smiled and nodded. "I need to put together a bag anyway.", Y/n said and they both walked away.

Standing at the top of the school's mile long stair case she sighed. It was gonna take 15 minutes just to get down the stairs. She knew kids that could run the stairs but she was not one of them.

She was wrong it took 22 minutes. Then she had to run to the school dorm which took another 10 minutes. There she threw together clothes for two days, just in case it took longer then one, and grabbed her tooth paste, tooth brush, and hair brush, in an extra backpack she had. She didn't have time to read the folder so she carried it a long with the backpack.

The run back to the academy went quicker sense her legs weren't as tired. When she got there she was surprised to see Gilen standing in front of a black German sports car with man and a dog. She stopped about 20 feet away from the group and looked at them. She realized that was his brother, Lutz Bielschimt.

Knowing Y/n proceeded to more cautiously approach them. She came up behind Gilen and reached up to tap him on the shoulder. However found herself on the ground with Gilen in her lap.

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