Mathieu part 3

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The polar bear wasn't hurting her, it just laid on top of her stomach, legs and chest so she couldn't move. However she was afraid that if she moved it might attack. "Kuma, no. Get off her. Now. She isn't at threat to me.", she heard Mathieu say.

The polar bear immediately got up and Y/n could have sworn it said, "Sorry.", as it got off of her. Mathieu offered her a hand. She took it and as he pulled her up said, "I might need to go to the hospital. I thought I heard the polar bear talk."

Mathieu looked at her and said, "He did talk. He's magic." Y/n blink in surprise as she let go of his hand. She found herself now standing in a circle of men considered dangerous with a apparently talking polar bear.

"This is Y/n, the weapon Lord Death asked me partner with for a mission.", Mathieu said. He sounded unhappy about it. However 2 of the three other men were beaming at her, the last was just smoking and seemed unaffected by her presence.

"Hello, poppet. We're so excited to meet you. No one has ever wanted to work with Mathieu and never seemed bothered to find a partner. Who knows maybe it'll work out and you'll become permanent partners.", the pink haired man cooed. The haired man clapped Mathieu on the shoulder and said, "You lucky dog. She's hot.", causing Y/n to turn red.

Mathieu made a coughing sound and said, "We'd better get going. It's a long ride to Demon Cinder Castle." Then he pulled down the tailgate of the truck and patted it twice. Kuma, the polar bear climbed into the bed of the truck. Then he closed it, went to drivers side, and climbed in. He started the truck as Y/n ran to passenger side and hopped in.

Mathieu put his arm out the window and gave single wave. Then he hit the gas and sped away. Y/n sighed and put the backpack in her lap and then took the folder and began to go through it.

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