Chapter - 8 # War & the aftermath

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It's been few months since the Kanto trio returned to their own hometowns. Eventually Samuel oak got married with Leafia. Samuel decided to become a pokemon researcher where his wife decided to become his assistant. They one in a half  year later Leafia gave birth of  a boy. 

But unfortunately, it was the same moment when something happened in Greater Kanto.
This region, for some reason, be it political, societal, cultural, or religious reasons, underwent a period of instability. Civil war broke out between two parts of Kanto.Everyone has to join the war. Human and pokemon both joined the war.
Agatha stayed in Lavender town to defence her home town. Both Samuel and Nobita joined the war. In the War, Samuel Oak was with a young man named Redrick Ketcham.Samuel's brother Samson Oak also joined the war.

( Redrick Ketchum)

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( Redrick Ketchum)

The war become worst to worst. Squadrons of Pigeots dropping Electrodes from the sky to explode on unsuspecting victims, legions of Dragonites hyper beaming down enemy soldiers, fleets of Gyrados destroying harbors and bases with Dragon Rage.

Soldiers were being shipped overseas  to the battlefield. A maiden was in love with one of the soldiers who was sent to war, and she swore to wait on the cliff until her love returned.

Cinnabar island,
Eastern Kanro,

A Battalion was running an operation called Operation Cinnabar. It was leading by Commander Matis. He is a tall masculine man with long golden hair. A metal helmets with two silver wings attached was on his head.

 A metal helmets with two silver wings attached was on his head

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( Commander Matis)

In the War Commander Matis was using Electric type pokemon.

"Fight brave soldiers, Victory or death,Victory or death," Yells Commander Matis.

Soon he was surrounded by enemies and their  Drowzee,Hypno,Heracross,Magmar and Crobat.

He yells, "You will Never take me alive."

His Electabazz, Pikachu,Magnemite used thunder wave causing opponent pokemon paralysed. Then it was easy to beat them.

"Charizard Blast burn," Redrick yells.

His Charizard used blast burn which knocked out a lot of pokemon. After a long fight  operation Cinnabar was successful.

Army camp,
East Kanto,

Redrick was having dinner. A man with purple hair was sitting beside him. He was reading a letter. Tears floating down from his eyes.

"What's wrong Mr. Dande?" Redrick asks.
"When i left for the war my wife was pregnant. " Mr. Dande said,"Today my first child born. It's a boy."
"That's a wonderful news," Redrick said,"Congratulations."
"I wish it was under good circumstances. " Mr. Dande wipes his tears," I  was there with her. I don’t know if i can see my child."
"Don't worry," Redrick said, You will see him."

< Time skips >

The war continued and many died, people and Pokémon.

. Eventually, a ceasefire was agreed to and the fighting stopped, resulting in two separate regions, Kanto and Johto. As a result, two societies would form on the two halves of this landmass. In the east, a society technologically superior, possibly because it was connected to outside regions and valued international relations. While to the west, a more rural society forms, focused on preserving its cultural heritage, does not make contact with outside regions, taking an isolationist approach. Each would have its respective capital. In Kanto, the best candidate would be Saffron City are located there and it also happens to be where all the routes connect to. In Johto, Goldenrod would most likely have been the capital, as it is the most urban of the Johto settlements and is almost where most of the routes lead to.

< Aftermath >

Though the war ended, some things were completely changed. Both region had to make new official pokemon  gyms to complete the pokemon League demands. Both region made their own pokemon League. Previous Champion moves to Jhoto and become their champion.

Commander Matis lost one of his eyes in war. He survived but he lost his job in military. He was prized gold medal and honoured as a War Hero for his service to the region and was given the job as a gym leader of newly build Vermilion Gym.

As for the lover of the Maiden,he never returned. She waited,waited,waited and one day she died.

Unfortunately Mr. Dande lays down his life for his country. When his body was brought in his home, his wife comes. The grief of parting has made her a stone, expressionless. Her household only knows that she has to cry otherwise the pent up grief will kill her. Everyone thought that the remembrance of her dead love would make her cry but it becomes one of the futile efforts. However, the old maid knows very well what for a woman lives. She keeps her baby on her lap. There, the woman realizes that her world is not lost along with the death of her husband. She has a purpose to live; that is her baby. Yes. she has to live for the sake of her baby boy, Leon dande.

lake near Celadon city,

Samuel was sitting on a rock. His two friends walks to him.

"How are you Sam?" Nobita asks.
"Good," Samuel said,"I survived the war. Leaf and my son are okay. "
"So what are you gonna do now?" Agatha asks.
"I.Don't know." Samuel said,"I want to continue my research but we are in a short of money."
"That makes almost everyone,"Agatha said," Economic crisis is one of the biggest crisis after war."
"I have an idea,"Nobita said," Let's take participate in Indigo master League."
"Indigo Master League? " both Agatha and Samuel looks at him.
"To select a Kanto champion and Elite 4, PLA decided to held a pokemon Master League. " Nobita said,"It will be like a pokemon League tournament. The winner will be declared as the Kanto champion. Anyone from Kanto who is older than 10 years old can enter this master League."
"That's a great news," Samuel said,"Even if i don’t become the  champion, if i can reach 2nd or 3rd place,i will get enough money to maintain my family and doing my research, right?"
"Right and i am participating too." Nobita said.
"I think i will participate too," Agatha said," Lavender tower almost destroyed because of the war. It will take time to rebuild that. So i have nothing to do."


That's all for today.
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