Chapter - 2 # Samuel's adventure : New friend

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A six years old Samuel Oak was walking through the forest. He is very interested  in pokemon. He often goes to forest to observe different different pokemon.Suddenly  a cry of a Nidoking attracts his attention, Samuel went to investigate and saw a Niddoking is battling with another pokemon. Samuel's eyes were locked  on Nidoking's opponent, a small, floating,  pink kitten like pokemon .

(The small, floating, pink kitten)

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(The small, floating, pink kitten)


Nidoking uses Earth Power, but the pokemon  simply Teleports to evade. The pokemon  replies with the same move, which easily hits the Nidoking. As Nidoking attempts a Sludge Wave, but the pink kitten teleports away again before retaliating with the same move once again. Nidoking becomes frustrated and launches a Fire Blast at it's shifty opponent, though the pink kitten again evades and then proceeds to defeat Nidoking with its own Fire Blast. Samuel was impressed by the mysterious Pokémon, and  give chase as it flies away. In his search, the boy come across a Magmar, though it quickly Transforms to the small pink kitten and  reveal itself. It leaves yet again with Samuel in pursuit, transforming into a Tauros to run across the land before changing into a Lapras to travel downstream. Samuel was stunned. He never heared or saw anything like this pokemon. He decided to learn about this pokemon. Which eventually turns into the desire of  learning about pokemon.

Flashback ends

In a forest,
Western Kanto,

Even though Eastern and western Kanto was connected, it's almost impossible to go to Western Kanto from Eastern Kanto on land route. The path ia really difficult. Also the biggest and tallest mountain of western Kanto also known as Mount Silver is blocking the way. So best way is by sea route or air.
Samuel was travelling for almost 3 weeks. He stops to take a break near a lake. After having lunch he went to the lake. Then suddenly a Rhydon appears from the lake. Then it swims away.

Samuel was confused. Does his eyes playing with him? Or all he knew about the pokemon was wrong? Rhydon is weak against water. Then how come it was swimming?
He left the lake few moments later. He was walking Through the woods.

"Excuse me," a voice said.

Samuel turn around and saw girl standing.

"Hi, i am Leafia greenhearts," The girl said.

"Hi, i am Leafia greenhearts," The girl said

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( Leafia greenhearts)

"I am Samuel Oak, " Samuel said."What can i do for you? ".
"I was thinking if you happened to see a Rhydon swimming."
" Wait, you are saying that there is actually a swimming Rhydon?"Samuel asks.
"Yes,a swimming Rhydon is unusual," Leafia starts,"But this particular Rhydon has learned to use Surf. "

.They both decided to work together to catch the Rhydon. They searched and eventually found the Rhydon. After a hard battle against Samuel's Poliwhirl and Leafia's Ivysaur, they Rhydon was defeated and get captured by Leafia. After that, they  decided to travel together.

"So what makes you start your joueney?" Leafia asks.
"When i was a child,i saw a pokemon like no other pokemon. " Samuel said,"That is first and last time i saw this pokemon. Since than i have a desire to know about pokemon around the world."
"Wow! That's awesome, " Leafia said.
"Now tell me," Samuel said,"What makes you to start your journey? "
"I like travelling, Leafia said. " Going new places, seeing new people and pokemon. Do you know?  there are some pokemon in Western Kanto which aren’t in Eastern Kanto. Even though both places are the part of same region."
"Yes i know,"Samuel said,"Maybe it because of Mount Silver which keep separated this two part."

The Ruins of Alph,
Western kanto,

The Ruins of Alph are a set of ruins located south-west of Violet City. These ruins have four different entrances, two of which only accessible through Union Cave. There are a few hidden rooms. 
On Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, Cameron the Cameraman will appear outside the ruins and will take photos of tourists .
On Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays, Cameron the Cameraman will appear inside the ruins and will take photos of tourists.
Leafia was watching the writing that were curved on the ruins wall. The alphabets were similar to english alphabet but have differences. Samuel  was interested in this too. After visiting they left the place. They travelled together 3 more days before going to separate ways.


That's all for today.
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