Chapter - 7 # Ghost girl at the wodden bridge

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Wooden bridge,
Cerulean city,Kanto,

There is a long wooden bridge over a river at the north side of Cerulean city. Agatha was walking over the bridge where she saw a small creepy looking girl. She could easily tell that the girl wasn’t normal.

 She could easily tell that the girl wasn’t normal

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( The girl)

The girl slowly walks but it seems like she wasn’t just walking. But instead she was floating. Then suddenly the girl faded in the air. Now Agatha is 100% sure that she just saw a ghost. She then crossed the bridge and went to otherside. There she described the girl to a person and asked if he happens to know something about the small girl.

"Oh! Yes i know about her," the man said,"Poor girl,it was very sad story. "
"What happened? " Agatha asks.
"That girl's name was Rose. She was a very happy and energetic child," the man started,"She often went to the wodden bridge ti play. That's the place where the tragedy took place."
"What tragedy? " Agatha asks.
"  I am not exactly sure,"the man shrugged. " Something made the girl fall into deep sleep. A sleep that she never woke up from."
"Can you tell me about the girl's family? " Agatha asks.
"They left on week after their daughter's death." The man said, "Now their house is a home of ghost type pokemons."
"Where is it? " Agatha ask.

After getting the adress,she went straight to the house. The house was completely abounded. At least by human. When she entered the house,she sensed the existance of ghost types around her. But she knew that these pokemon aren’t going to do anything to her. Being a channeler has some benefits. One of them were not be bothered by Ghost type pokemon. But she also felt someone's presence. And that someone isn’t a human.

""An everlasting dark dream...
An endless dream of darkness...
Dad, Mom, Abra...
Where are you...?" a crying and scared voice said.
"Where are you? Agatha asks as the crying stops," Let me know you."Agatha said.

There were still few things were left by the family. A shelf full of books were one of them. 3 books fall down from the shelf on their own. Agatha walks there and pick those books up. She cleans a dusty chair and sits on it. Then she opned the books.There were pages folded in the books. She unfolds them and started reading them.

One of book said,
Some Pokémon know a move called Dream Eater. With this move, a Pokémon attacks while the target is asleep and eats its dream. It restores HP equal to half of the damage inflicted on the target
There are Pokémon called Drowzee. They put others to sleep and eat their dreams. Eating nightmares can upset their stomachs

Another book said,
Some Pokémon have the Forewarn Ability. A Pokémon with this Ability is alerted to one of the opposing Pokémon’s moves. High-power moves will be recognized first.

There are Pokémon called Hypno. Each one carries a pendulum that it can swing to make people drowsy. It has been said that a Hypno once hypnotized a child and took it away...

Another book said,
There is a Pokémon called Darkrai in the far Sinnoh region. To protect itself, it drives people and Pokémon away with terrible nightmares.
There is a Pokémon called Cresselia in the far Sinnoh region. Its wings shine like the crescent moon and keep nightmares away."

Agatha connects every information. Most probably the girl was attacked by this pokemon called Darkrai and fall into deep sleep with nightmare. Her parents studied on how to wake up. They tried  by using a Drowzee to use dream eater. But the nightmare upset Drowzee's stomach. So they tried forewarn ability of Hypno to find out that it is caused by a pokemon. Then they studied and found out about Darkrai and Cresselia. But what happened next.

"What happened after? " Agatha asks.

"In the dark dream...
I heard my dad’s voice...
Forget about the Lunar Wing...
Please stay here with me..." the crying voice was heared.

It is clear now. Even in the nightmare, the girl could hear her dad's voice. This gave the girl comfort. But the dad who was unable to hear his daughter's cry, went to find Luner wing,leaveing his daughter in nightmare.

"Oh... The Lunar Wing...
I can’t take it now...
But it’ll be OK..." the voice said.

Agatha understood that when the girl's father came back with the Lunar wing it was too late.

"Why are you here?" Agatha ask,"What stopping you from going?"

A  cheir fall on ground. Agatha walks their and saw it is indicating towrds the stairs. She went upstairs. There were two rooms. A loud sound was heared from the left sided room. She went there and realised it is a child's room. Most probably the girl's room. Inside the room there were few dusty and rusty furnitures. On a table their was a glowing feather. Agatha looks at it with surprised expression. This might be the Lunar wing.

 This might be the Lunar wing

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( Lunar wing)

"Please throw the wing into the river...
I was waiting on the bridge so I could throw it myself..."the voice said.

Agatha took the Lunar wing to the bridge and throw it in the river.The ghost girl was finally free from the world of living.
But still Agatha have some questions with no answers. Like what was a Darkrai doing  in Kanto? Why it send the girl in so terrible nightmare it drives people and Pokémon away with terrible nightmares to protect itself? Was that little girl so hostile to it?


That's all for today.
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