Chapter - 9 # Birth of Team R.O.C.K.E.T.

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The war left many damages. One of them were lack of jobs and working places. A lot of people become jobless after the war. They had to find another way. Many of them become road blockers. They just stands beside the road and wait for someone to walk pass in front of them. Then they challenged them in a battle and demand money if the trainers lose. In citties and towns they are not allow to do this so the choose their spots in places such as forests,mountains, outside of the citties etc. But soon they realised that this wasn't very profitable as many walking trainers doesn't contain much money. Also if the trainers win then it's them who had to give money to the trainers. Also many trainers simply refuse to battle. So few of them start doing small crime like stealing money or food etc.

Route 9,

Two fat man was standing by the side of the road. They saw a man with long dark brown hair is coming.  They challenged the man as soon as he came in front of them. They sends Hypno and Pidgeotto and the boy sends a Nidoking and a Rhyhorn. At the end the dark brown hair man was victorious. Two man sighs as they gave him some money.

"How much do you earn by doing this? " he  asks.
"Not much actually, " one of the fat man said.
"Can you explain?, " the dark brown hair man said.
"What are you gonna do, huh?" other fat man asks.
"I might be able to help you," The dark brown hair man said.
"When we win we get money from the trainer we battled," first fat man said," If we lose then we have to give the same amount of money."
"And our losing rate is higher than winning rate so at the end we get very small amount of money." Other one said.
"That doesn’t' sounds very profitable to me," the dark brown hair man said.
"It isn’t, " First man said,"But we have nothing else to do. "
"How about i gave you a job? " The dark brown hair man said.
"A job? " Both fat man asks.
"Yes, a job." The dark brown hair man said,"You can earn a good amount of money by doing less efforts."
"We agree. You better not bluffing, " One of the fat man said.
"I am not." The Dark brown hair man said,"My name is Sakaki by the way."

( Sakaki)

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( Sakaki)

Sakaki gave them a card and told them to go to Vermilion city one week later and find the Seagallop Ferries.

Cerulean city,

A poor man was sitting on the ground holding a paper box. The box containing very small amount of money. Then a woman walks to her.

 Then a woman walks to her

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( The woman)

"Excuse me, do you need money? " The woman asks.
"Yes i do," The man replied, " I am poor and homeless, "
"How about i offer you a job," the woman asks.
"I will do anything for money," the man said.

The woman gave him a card and some money. Then told him to to go to Vermilion city one week later and find the Seagallop Ferries.

The Sevii Islands,

The Sevii Islands  are an archipelago in the Kantoregion consisting of nine medium islands and several small islands surrounding them. They are located far south of the Kanto mainland.
The population of Sevii Islands is 212, including all towns and other areas.
The nine Sevii Islands are a part of the Kanto region, located to the south of mainland of Kanto

The fifth island is almost isolated. No one lives there. At least not in record. There is a warehouse in the island. The Seagallop Ferries anchored near the sea shore. A group of people steps in the island. They were all sorts of people. There were  thieves,jobless, homeless,workless,worthless,hopeless etc. They all were given card and told to come in this island. They found their ways to the warehouse and entered.  Then it was the woman and Sakaki came and stood in front of them.

"All of you came here for a reason, " The woman said. "You all need money. But after the war it is hard to find a job or work. I have an offer. If you accept it then we can make money easily. "
"How?  Tell us? "We want to know," everyone yells.
"We will sell pokemon in the black markets. "Sakaki  said.
"Huh?" everyone gasps.
"We will sell pokemons in the black market at high price. " the woman said," It's hard to catch a good pokemon so we are gonna steal them from other trainers. Then we will sell them in black market. "
"But that's illegal, " a person said.
"Also profitable," the woman said," We can not only sell pokemons but also their body parts."
"What about police and law enforcement? " another person asks.
" We have to be careful, "The woman said," It's a risk we have to take."
"Think about it," Sakaki said," You can earn a lots of money if you accept our offer."

After few discussion, they agreed as they all need money. They all formed a team and named it team R.O.C.K.E.T.. Everyone thought Rocket is cool to hear but there was a meaning of this team. The woman become the boss of the team. The team was devided into small groups and they steal various pokemons. After that they sells them in different places. Sakaki who was the bed partner of the woman was requiting new member in the team.
It has risks but it brings a good amount of money.

Their headquarter was in that warehouse. The woman who known as Madame Boss in the team decided to make a hideout in Kanto mainland.

They choose the place for their Kanto base at the end of Route 5. Because it is the connecting place of four different routes which lead to 4 major cities of Kanto. Route 5 leads to Cerulean city from the north , Route 6 leads to Vermilion city from the south,Route 7 leads to Saffron city from east and finally Route 9 leads to Celadon city from west.

They build a pokemon Day-care center there. Underneath the Day-Care building, they build an  underground hideout of team R.O.C.K.E.T.. From here they can run their mission in those 4 cities.


##That's all for today.
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