The Stranger At School

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Your name is Emilia Wilson, but some people call you Emmy for short.

You've been living in the city of Elmore for over 3 years now, attending its local public junior high school like any normal person and leading a fairly normal life.

Your father was Harold Wilson, he had an affair with a woman called Jezelle, your biological mother and left you to be raised by him as part of the family.

Your father worked as a psychotherapist and so money was never really an issue.
That's probably why your little brother and even younger sister were so spoilt.

You were different, you tried to be nicer than them, having been usually left out because you were more 'mature' then the others, which is true, you could handle yourself well enough for them to care.

Although you turned 15 a few months ago, you had to be held back a couple years due to lack of participation or enthusiasm in the class work, forcing you to attend the same class as your self-absorbed younger brother, Tobias.

The day started off as it usually does, sitting on a squeaky chair, trying not to fall asleep with Miss Simeon droning on and on about the circumferences and diameters of a circle and how we must learn it all by the end of the week or else.

Over her boring lecture, Gumball nudged his brother Darwin and showed him a badly drawn gorilla whilst pulling faces, trying to make the other laugh.

Your brother leaned back behind you and began to loudly chat up the girls who you knew were already dating.

Hobert was so concentrated on his work, giving you the idea to get him to "help" you out with the homework later.

Miss Simeon suddenly slithered right next to Tobias and slammed her hairy gorilla hands on his desk.

"What did I just say about interruption?!"

He stuttered and sunk lower in his seat, making only his sweatband visible from his desk. You suppressed a laugh and instead smiled smugly from behind the teacher.

Since he couldn't give her an answer, because he wasn't paying attention, he received a detention and a blank sheet of paper to write down what he did wrong.

As the bell sounded, that gave your cue to bolt for the door for the cafeteria.

Through the quickly crowding corridor, you bumps into someone on the way through, knocking their arm that sent papers flying everywhere.

"Ohmygosh I'm so sorry, I-I should've looked where I was going! Here, let me help!"

You got on your knees to help the guy pick up his papers. He had a blue complexion, pink hands, brown banged hair and one large purple eye.

"No, it's fine. I wasn't looking either, if I'm honest."

You were suppressed you didn't notice him among the crowd, but to be honest, you don't think you've seen him before.

"Are you new here? I'm not sure if I've seen you around, I'm Emilia!"

You held out one of the hands that wasn't holding a bunch of his fallen papers, he took it and smiled warmly.

"Nice to meet you, and no, I've actually been here for a long while, although not many people care to notice, I'm Rob."

You smiled and helped him to his feet, gathering up all of the fallen papers in a neat pile in your hands.

"This looks like a heck of a lot of work, mind if I help you with that?"

"Wait, really? Thank you."

He looked a little shocked, as if he expected you to leave him with the stack of ungraded schoolwork.

"No problem, Rob." You smiled at his look, finding his awkwardness to be kinda funny.

You sat down with him at one of the tables in the cafeteria, laying the papers to one side.

Soon enough, you were setting your now empty lunchbox back in your bag after having a nice chat with the guy you just bumped into.

You've been chatting to him for a while now, having stayed with him in the cafeteria the rest of the whole school day instead of going to last lesson.

The teacher in there was Mr Small and he was taking way too much of that herbal tea/muscle relaxant to bother about student attendance.

You've been mostly venting to Rob about your selfish siblings and stuck-up parents, to which he laughed and sadly replied that he had no immediate family and looks after himself most of the time out in town.

You suddenly felt really bad for him and so, before you had to leave to pick up your siblings and head home, you proposed the idea that he could stay at your house until he had enough support to get a place for himself.

He seemed very surprised and flustered at your offer, having barely known you for a day and yet you were so kind and generous towards a stranger such as himself.

He seemed a little distant afterwards though, as if he was considering this to be some kind of practical joke.

You laughed and told him to think about it whilst you sorted out the details. Finally leaving him once the bell had rung to signal the end of the day.

Once you caught up with Tobias and your younger sister Rachel, you asked them if they were using the spare room for anything.

"Are you mad?" Rachel scoffed at the question.

"I wouldn't be caught dead in that room! Too many spiders." She grimaced and shivered, making you laugh loudly.

"What about you, bro?" You asked Tobias.

"Meh, I never really liked that room anyways, too small if you ask me and barely any Wi-Fi, why do you ask?"

You glanced at them both as you walked down the path with them at your sides, smiling.

"Well, I know what you guys are like about strangers, but there's this guy—"

"Oh yeah, it just had to be a guy!" Rachel commented.

"Just when I thought I was the only one getting all the action..." Tobias mumbled, making both you and your sister scoff in his direction before you cleared your throat.

"This guy has no parents, no family, no siblings that drive him mental like you lot, jk. My point is he's nice but he's all alone, he's got nowhere to go. All I'm proposing is that he stays in that grotty spare room until he finds a place of his own."

For once, your siblings went silent, as if they were almost using their brains to think it over.

After a short while, they looked at one another and sighed before nodding in agreement.

"I guess that's okay." Rachel eventually said when we got to the door of our house.

"Yeah, if the guy's not too weird, then that's fine by me."

"Great!" You beamed, opening the door to fins a very angry father with a bruised eye.

"Tobias." He said sternly.

"Y-Yeah dad?" He stuttered.

Dad sighed.

"Quit putting that darn skateboard everywhere, if you keep at it, your gonna find yourself grounded young man."

Tobias looked at me and murmured as dad walked off, "I bet your friend doesn't have to deal with this."

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