chapter 236

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I gradually got distracted by myself and zoned out of their conversation. I feel stupidly woozy and I don't even understand why. Not only my head is starting to throb but I feel shortness in my breath too. I wasn't like this earlier nor I noticed that I'm ill, it just happened like that.

Gwen was beside me and had noticed that I had gone mute. Like the thoughtful host that she is, she immediately realized that there was something wrong with me when I stopped responding.

"Nadia? Are you okay?" Her voice is low enough that only I could hear her so we wouldn't get the attention of the others.

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I glanced at Gwen who was lowkey questioning me with her green eyes. She looked lovely today. With her normally red curly hair wildly tamed behind her, it was neatly braided into a bun. Her deep mauve dress complimented her very much and it suits her. She doesn't look like the same girl I bickered on in a cafe years ago. What a transformation...

"I'm fine, don't worry," I assured her.

This is Gwen's first tea party that she hosted so I don't want to inconvenience her and ruin the fun. More so when it's going well.

I mean, I just feel uncomfortable, that's all. Not to the point that I would keel over and die.

Gwen pursed her lips and stared at me with scrutinizing eyes.

"Are you sure? You look a little pale today."

A chuckle escaped from my lips.

"I have always been pale," I joked just to not worry her but then my body betrayed me as I shivered. "Don't you think it's quite cold today?"

"Cold?" Gwen looked at me strangely, "It's not even the fall season yet."

Exactly. Then why am I cold?!

Maybe I really am sick…

"If you want, you can go ahead and rest if you're not feeling good," Gwen said.

I immediately shook my head at her suggestion.

"No, it's okay. I told you, right? I'm fine."


Gwen looked at me for a moment, measuring if I'm telling the truth, and then nodded.

"If you say so…"

She was still skeptical but because I'm being stubborn, she can't do anything but internally sigh. Anyway, the party seems to reach its end sooner or later and I will have the time to rest by then.

I don't remember much of what happened in the latter part of the gathering because I was trying to hide the fact that I'm 'maybe supposedly' sick. I can't trouble Gwen so I kind of just blanked out and would occasionally answer if asked. In short, I was dazed and confused the whole time.

Maybe I am a great actress because no one noticed anything amiss aside from my good friend. When it's time to go home, I just let out a deep sigh and felt greatly relieved from the bottom of my heart.

"You said you're fine," Gwen sighed with me.

"I am," I replied, still lying through the skin of my teeth.

She shook her head in exasperation.

"Go home and rest. Your complexion is getting worse!"

"Alright, alright. I'm going," I grumbled and grinned at her. "Congratulations on the successof your first tea party," I muttered sincerely.

Gwen harrumphed jokingly and shooed me away, reminding me again and again to recuperate.

I'm on the carriage heading back to the mansion. Kuro was lying on my feet and looking a bit restless. I noticed that he can't sit still these days and would not even leave me alone just for a moment. He's so clingy and agitated that it drives me nuts trying to understand him.

Then again, Lost had told me before that Kuro made a contract with me so he's basically my familiar. And him acting on the edge is perhaps connected to my current condition. It's self-explanatory.

I looked out of the tightly closed window and wrapped the cloak around me tighter. There is no wind inside the carriage and yet I could still feel the chill in my bones. Sometimes, the cold would pierce, sometimes it's dull. It's very uncomfortable.

But the most discomfiting thing is the stuffiness I feel in my chest. It's hard to breathe at times and I feel like a hand is squeezing my heart which makes it heavier.

I don't know, it's hard to describe what I honestly feel.

Frowning, I touched Kuro's fur and sighed in content. So comfortable…

Just as I was going to hug this lump of heaven, the carriage suddenly halted. The impact was so quick that I almost face-planted myself on the opposite seat.

"What the…"

Kuro perked up and raised his head, tension rolling off of him in waves. I didn't notice his reaction because I was still reeling from the sudden whiplash. I looked outside to see the situation and was about to open the window when Uno appeared, surprising me.

"Please stay inside the carriage and don't come out," was what he said before he disappeared again.

Eh? Why? What happened?

"What is going on?" I mumbled.

Outside, the secret guards that were actively hiding had shown themselves and surrounded the carriage I was in. Before I could even take in the abnormality of the situation, the attack began to commence.

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Cloaked figures appeared from the forest and faced my guards. In the blink of an eye, a fight broke out in front of my very eyes. It's not a scuffle, it's not a small fight either, it was quite flashy.

Just when I said that, a burst of light came from the outside as these cloaked figures suddenly attacked the carriage I am in with some magic spells. Caught unprepared, my guards couldn't block the assault and were standing there in a daze. They didn't know these assailants could use magic at all!

Neither am I.

I screamed when the side of the carriage exploded. The force made the whole thing tipped over and of course, brought me down with it. All I heard was a loud bang and a blinding light before I saw myself flailing and trying to guard myself against the impact. And then I felt a wave of deja vu.

It would be impossible to not be injured with that level of attack but I was fortunate enough to have a familiar who saved me from breaking my bones. I don't know what happened becauseeverything happened so quickly I don't have time to react. When I opened my eyes, Kuro had grown to his full height and had shielded me from the start, and had even cushioned my fall.

All I saw was black fur and that the carriage was gone, or to be more specific, turned to dust and debris.

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