chapter 289

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That's why I'm asking you to teach me how to control it. But alas, I didn't know his grace is not a great mentor at all," I grumbled in disappointment.

Lukas seemed to not like that I called him that.

"I hate explaining things and only prefer a demonstration," he said.

"I am very aware now, thank you," I retorted.

"And you're not a good student," he scoffed. "Even Nox is disgusted by how much of an idiot you are." And without missing a beat, his right palm glowed and a dark wisp formed, flickering like an agitated flame.

My attention was immediately caught and I gasped. That's his anima!

It looked more solidly formed than mine…

My eyes twinkled in excitement as my body moved instinctively on its own, drawing near, wanting to get a closer look at his hand. As if it wanted to show off, The wisp changed into a small serpent-like figure and slithered around his fingers as Lukas played with it. It then turned to a lizard, a flaming one made with dark matter and I just watched it unblinkingly, perplexed and amazed.

Without thinking, I had actually grabbed Lukas' hand while I was in awe so I could look at his anima clearly. I don't know why but I got stimulated to touch it, how crazy that might sound. My anima was driving me to do so and if I'm not completely losing my mind, I could tell that it was calling it.

Yeah, I'm probably just losing it…

I didn't notice that Lukas got stunned when I grabbed him unceremoniously as he was sitting there as stiff as a board. His electric purple eyes cryptically narrowed on me, with brows furrowed to fit together. He then looked at my hands which were holding him and fell into thinking.

"I know that you have a powerful anima but I didn't know it could change its form," I gasped out in a voice filled with wonder.

Under my hungry eyes, the flaming lizard became a black butterfly and fluttered in the air for a bit before assuming its wisp-like form from the beginning.

"That's so cool," I whispered.

And then it was gone. The wisp disappeared which made me dismayed for some reason. Or it could be just my anima being dramatic, I really have no idea.

"Ahem," Lukas cleared his throat.

"Hmm?" I looked up and saw him glancing at my hand so I followed his line of sight and— "Ohh! My apologies. I didn't mean to grab your hand, your grace…"

I couldn't remember when I got closer and had the balls to literally hold him. Biting my lip, I immediately retracted my hands from him and hid them under my sleeves. I was a bit apprehensive that he would get mad because he has an aversion to skin-to-skin contact after all. He really hates it. I know that fact that's why I always minded where I touch him. That's the reason why I only grab him through his clothes or just his sleeves.

But contrary to what I was thinking, Lukas did not make a fuss. He was just staring at me though with an unfathomable expression. I could not read what was running in his mind at themoment but I hope it doesn't involve something horrific. He's probably murdering me in his head or something. I mean, he looks so serious right now.

He glanced at his hand and then to me before frowning visibly.

"You…" He trailed off.

"Y-yes?" I gulped, being cautious now.

Lukas did not respond right away but when he did, he stretched out his hand.

"Give me your hand," he ordered, or that's what it seemed to me.

"Eh? W-what for?" I stammered, unwilling to do as he said.

Is he going to chop off my hand?! Because I touched him? Is that it? Of course, it is!

I was even more reluctant to stretch out my arm now for fear of suddenly losing it. I would love to have them for a long long time, thank you very much. But his eyes are spitting dark fires at the moment, so intense it's scalding me metaphorically.

"I won't do it again, please don't cut my hands…" I pleaded and unwillingly offered him my hands.

Lukas wordlessly took the initiative and snatched my right hand himself when I was too slow to do so. With my wide-eyed gaze, he held it on his own for a while and did nothing, but his frown was growing deeper. I was so anxious that it did not matter whether this was inappropriate or not, or what it would look like to the maids who are judging us at the moment. But I did notice my heart was pounding loudly in my chest.

It's so deafening that I could literally not hear anything but that.

His hands are really warm— like 'really' warm. The type where you think the person is having such a high fever or something and it should be illegal for no normal human should have a temperature like that. And I know it's because of his body constitution and magic, which is his infernal flame. But even so, it is still surprising. I'm not used to it after all. Although it is not uncomfortable…

I was holding my breath, waiting for him to do something, but nothing happened. He just held my hand in silence which lasted for a long time.

"Your grace?" I prodded, gazing at him full of questions.

"Interesting…" he whispered so low I couldn't catch it in time. Maybe if my heart was not beating so damn loud.

"What?" I blinked in confusion.

He released my hand and leaned back, staring at me again so openly while I sat there puzzled for a while.

Okaaay, what was that? Why did he do that? I don't get it…

"Show me your anima," he then urged me.


"Yes. That's what I said," he deadpanned.

Embarrassed, I opened my palm and tried to do as he said, presenting my anima to him. It wasa slight struggle but I did it, nonetheless, a nod to my hours of practice every day.

A bluish wisp showed itself, flickering pitifully, if I may add, but it's there. Much more vivid than before. But comparing this to Lukas' who has free control with his magic, I feel kinda depressed afterward. My goodness, I'm so bad at this.

Plus being watched by Lukas just adds more salt to the injury, you know.. I feel small and weak. Like I'm sorry, I suck, okay?

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