chapter 290

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You are wasting too much mana," Lukas commented.


"Right now, it's surging all over. Just look at the plants…" He then pointed to the window.

I unconsciously turned to where he was pointing at and sure enough, the potted plants inside the room were flourishing to the point of ridiculousness. The vines are creeping over the walls and have even curled around some decorations. While the others bloomed beautifully even though they shouldn't.

"You are like a dam with broken gates," Lukas snickered.

My mouth was set into a straight line as I turned to him.

"I can't control it…"

"Obviously," he retorted blandly.

I pursed my lips in response and then tried to suppress my mana while simultaneously maintaining my control over my anima. And yes, it is next to impossible. But I persisted because I don't want Lukas to think that I am this incompetent. Even if it's true, I want to uphold my dignity.

He made a tisking sound with his tongue as he shook his head.

"I told you, you shouldn't forcibly keep it in. Just let it flow and absorb it again. Just like you're breathing," he advised.

Let it flow and then breathe it in?

I looked at him imploringly, willing to know more about what he meant.

"Instead of just letting it flow like water, draw it in, and then let it flow again. Repeat it like a cycle," he added.

That's… that's actually very sensible. If he worded it like that, I could definitely understand him better.

'Just like breathing…'

I tried to envision that my mana was oxygen and I needed the oxygen to breathe, so I sucked it back to my body and then exhaled it again before drawing it back in. As I practiced it that way, my body gradually lightened, and I felt much better. I could sense that my mana is being recycled. And what's great is that I don't have to struggle by locking it in and trying to hold that lock firmly.

Great! I learned something useful at last.

"That's better. Though some of it is still spilling. If you practice more, you'll be able to properly control it," he applauded.

Being praised like that made me feel happy. Like an achievement of some sort, a sweet genuine smile bloomed on my face.

"Thank you…"

"Hmph," Lukas snide. He then eyed my flickering anima with scrutiny and it flared in response which startled me a bit. "Does it have a name?"

"A what?"

"A name. I could see that you have an anima that could think. It should have a name then," he saidas a matter of factly.


My anima should have a name? Is that a thing? How should I know though, I could still not talk to it like he could with his.

"So it doesn't," he concluded.

Biting my lip, I closed my palm and looked at him.

"Then, is Nox the name of your anima?"

Rather than answering, the tattoo which is visible on his neck came alive— or that's what it looked like— and a dark hazy thing appeared and coiled around his shoulders, taking the shape of a horned serpent?? I could clearly see white glowing eyes on its head…

Wha— That surprised me!

Lukas lazily tilted his head to the side and smiled.

"This is Nox, my anima."

Nox, as if in response, flickered and blinked its glowing white eyes made of mist before leaning over. Frightened, I leaned back and guarded myself.

I don't even know where to start so I just ogled. When it saw that I was avoiding him, it flickered again and went back to Lukas' shoulder.

What the hell was that…

"Don't worry, he claims no harm. Although he is very hot-tempered and sensitive. His favorite thing to do is to burn down anything," Lukas explained nonchalantly.

"Just like you…" I whispered unconsciously.

"Hmm? I guess so," he smirked.

"As you can see, an anima can take the form you want them to. In my case, Nox could be anything."

As he said so, the serpent hovering on the side of his head suddenly turned into the form of a large flaming bird. And as if demonstrating how impressive it was, the bird turned into a flaming fox, imitating Kuro on the side.

"Waaa—" I exhaled air.

That's… That's so awesome!

"Can I do that too?" I muttered eagerly.

"Of course. But you need to have a clear grasp on your anima first," he said, dampening my good mood.

"Oh…" Of course… That should always be the case.

I looked at my palm in thought and clenched it tightly. Right, I need to practice more. I will surely get better.

Lukas glanced at the window and suddenly stood up, leaving me gazing up at him. Nox had already gone back to his body and made his tattoo more vivid again.

"Let's cut the lesson for today," he said.

I blinked at him, "You're leaving?"

The side of his lips lifted cynically, "Why? You don't want me to?"

I snorted, "That's not what I meant…"

Lukas fixed his sleeves and threw a reminder at me.

  "I'll come back later so don't get kidnapped while I'm gone."

"Who's going to kidnap me here?" I frowned at him.

Hello, this is the palace filled with knights and is close to the arcane tower. Plus Kuro is here with me, whoever has the guts to harm me would surely know what it feels like being thrashed by a spirit familiar.

Lukas looked at the tightly closed door, "Probably that one who's heading here."


He then squatted to the window and waved his hand with his back on me.

"Later, little cat."

And then he's gone.

What-- I don't--

Not even a moment after, someone knocked on the door and Freesia came in. I had not realized that the maids were already gone or when did they leave the room.

"Milady, you have visitors," she informed me and then stood aside to let the 'visitors' be visible.


The Villainess Does it With Class.《BOOK 2》Where stories live. Discover now