chapter 270

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The book also calls them the miracle makers. Especially the women in the family.

The D'Angelo's rarely birth males. If they do, there are usually more girls than boys; three to one ratio. All of the women, young and old, whatever generations they are born, are special. They have the strongest affinity to magic and have the densest mana. Maybe it's because every single one of those women is believed to be the closest relation to the Goddess Feronia.

The fallen kingdom of Vern, albeit small, was very prosperous because of the D'Angelos. The land is rich, teeming with life, and had never experienced drought and famine amidst the constant wars. There weren't life-threatening diseases nor grave illnesses that ravaged their lands. Just prosperity. Even after the magic was sealed, the clan stayed the same and had retained their powers.

The kingdom's happy because the D'Angelos are there. Likewise, the D'Angelo's are happy because the kingdom is peaceful. Until the appearance of a group that calls themselves, conquerors of magic. It went downhill from then on.

The entire story of how the kingdom fell wasn't mentioned but the attack against the clan was cited. They were hunted, almost all the members of the clan were abducted with only a few surviving who, in turn, went into hiding.

My mother was born to those who had managed to survive the hunt. They lived cautiously for years, always migrating to other places when they felt threatened. But when they thought they were safe wherever they settled on, they were again discovered. She had to flee with her sisters and then all of them decided to separate from one another to have a higher chance of survival. Helen entered an orphanage outside the empire and lived there for three years. She was then adopted by a family of merchants when she was twelve then took root in Rosenthal and gained a title of a count.

I was struck dumb by how much Helen and the D'Angelo have gone through. To be in constant lookout to those people who are after them, not being totally safe. And now I'm facing the same...


Just thinking that the death of Helen years ago wasn't an accident… Was it? It could be, don't you think so too?

Conquerors of magic… Where did I hear that from?

I walked out of the archive room feeling lightheaded. It wasn't a lot to process and I easily accepted the information fed on me.

Some things kept bothering me; who are those people who kept hunting them down? What happened to the other sisters of Helen? And if Helen can use magic at will because of her bloodline, how about Nadia then?

While pondering, a certain memory appeared right in time. Those vague memories that are too scattered have begun to slowly piece back together, getting clearer. It came rushing, rendering me speechless.

It was a woman teaching a young kid how to control magic on multiple occasions.

As I began to acknowledge that Helen is really the woman who was vaguely teaching a young Nadia in my dreams, it dawned on me that perhaps, Nadia could actually also use magic like her.

I mean, why else was she teaching her those things?

If Helen can use magic, then naturally, her daughter could too. That's the rule of the D'Angelo bloodline.

Nadia can use magic...

My soul can also use magic...

Helen D'Angelo can use healing abilities due to her bloodline.

I also have the same abilities as her.Nadia would naturally have the same as well because she's a D'Angelo.

What does this mean?

Magic comes from the soul, that's a known fact...

But why is everything so parallel? From Helen to Nadia, and then to me?

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Are these all coincidences?

Is healing magic that common?

When I try to think deeper, my head starts hurting again. It buzzes annoyingly. Even when I try to divert it, it's like I'm being led astray. My thoughts would arrive at a dead-end like something is deliberately blocking me from further diving in.

Frustrating, I know.

I went back to the first floor, confused and lost, almost forgetting that Lukas came along too. Then I saw him and Z on one of the magic artifacts tables, looking around. Z was happily tattling away while pointing at the things on the table, probably telling Lukas what those were. The most bizarre thing is that Lukas seems to be listening attentively. He truly looks interested.

They are getting along…? Huh? Am I seeing this right?

The setback I felt earlier went away and was momentarily put aside because of this weird scene. I got distracted.

It's weird because, Lukas? Listening? Getting along with others? What?

He must have noticed my gaze because he turned his head right away to look at me as soon as I walked in on them.

"Oh, you're done?" Z then asked, turning around as well.

"Yes, thank you," I replied with a smile.

"Are you going home now?" Lukas' piercing eyes were still a little hostile as if he's driving me on a stake or something.

It was really scary, I'm telling you. It seems that he is still suspicious of me because of that thing about badges.

I know it's my fault but like can he not look at me like he's about to stab me or something?

"H-home? Yeah… Okay…" I quickly uttered.

If going home means I won't see him and feel his accusing stares, then okay. Let's go home. I'll just come back with my brother.


I didn't stay in the arcane tower for long. Anyway, my purpose of visiting isn't there so I might as well go home. Plus, Lukas' stares are honestly scaring me. I could have stayed and read some more but I'm still confused with what I had learned either so reading is far from my mind.

And I can't focus with that big dark aura looming around me, you know. Lukas has no chill at all.

Can't blame him though because I will also get suspicious of someone who knows something that's not supposed to be known by others. His hostility is warranted.

I was back inside the carriage, staring absentmindedly outside. A few minutes ofsilence as we moved forward, my brain recalled the information about Helen again. My mind whirred, and after a while, my mouth opened on its own.

"Do you know anything about the conquerors of magic?"

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