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I stare blankly at the words on my wrist.

WICKED? Subject? A0? What?

I look to my left and then to my right, long corridors stretching in both directions. I need to start moving. I can't just stand here all day. On a whim, I start walking down the long corridor to my left, toward the sun. I listen to the sound of my boot-clad feet slapping the ground and the sound of my intakes of breath.

I look down at myself and take in what I'm wearing; a blue-grey form-fitted t-shirt, dark denim shorts, and black combat boots that rise a few inches above my ankles. I looked at my skin, and my complexion wasn't pale, but I wasn't super tan either. Pulling my hair to the front of my face, I see it's a dark brown color and a little shorter than mid-back length and wavy. I wish I could see what my face looks like.

As I was walking, turning corner after corner, a sudden realization hit me like a brick.

Oh my god, this is a maze.

I look behind me from the corridor I was walking through, branching off in three directions at the end, and ahead of me where it went two directions, the seemingly massive walls suddenly feeling very constricting compared to moments ago.

I speed up my walk to a brisk jog, covering ground much more quickly than before, but I didn't make it more then ten strides before I heard a loud scream from somewhere distant to my left. I stopped dead in my tracks, and focused my hearing closer to the sound. Both curiosity and fear prickled in the back of my mind as I listened.

After a few seconds the sounds came again, not as loud, but still a clear ringing in my ears. The curiosity won out and I began to take quick but cautious steps forward.

What the hell? was the thought that crossed my mind as I crept closer to the source of the sound.

I turned around the corner of the walls and stared in front of me. My eyes scanned the floor left to right, and I let out a sigh when I found nothing. I began to walk forward again, raking my eyes across the corridor I was now in. I looked up the walls once more, my eyes trailing the ivy to the top. A thought of climbing it entered my mind, when the scream came again. Much louder this time; much closer this time.

I sprinted forward this time, now sure of the direction. I kept my breathing even as I ran, pumping my arms with the movement. If someone is screaming, I'm not alone here. The hollow echoing of my breaths and the slapping of my boots followed me as I turned another corner into another long corridor. The higher sun now lit the entire corridor, and since it did so, not only could I see the blonde boy running towards me in a dead out run, but I could also see the massive thing that was chasing him, also coming towards me.

It was like it was half creature and half machine, I couldn't explain it. It's metal arms stuck out, reaching towards the boy, and loud whirring sounds were emitting from it from some unseen mouth.

Oh shit, was currently my only thought.

Just then, the boy seemed to notice me, and complete and utter shock flashed over his face for a fraction of a second and his step faltered, and as it did so, he tripped and crashed to the ground, unable to catch himself. The monster pulled up and was about to leap on him, but before it did the same voice from earlier called in my head, unfreezing me from my fearful place.

Hadley! Do something!

On pure instinct, I reached down into my boot, and as I did I pulled out a small gun that I hadn't previously known was hidden there. I pointed it straight for the creature, aimed, and fired. I didn't expect to actually hit it, in fact I feared hitting the boy, but the creature suddenly let out a loud scream as it's own steps faltered, signalling I had hit it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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