Chapter 5: Revelations

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"Wait, we just want to talk!" the man said nervously. "To apologize." 

"After everything you've done you want to talk? To apologize?" Thalia growled, her voice raising in volume with each word until she was nearly shouting. "My son is missing because of you! Jacob and Hannah are dead because of you!" Thalia finished with a shout while pulling out her spear and pointing it at them. 

"Please, we can explain-" the woman started before she was cut off, a silver blur tackling her to the ground. 

A look of pure rage filled Clara's face as she straddled the chest of the woman and rained blows down on her face. The woman was barely able to block the punches with her arms, Clara was attacking with a ferocity that had only been seen once before. 

The man went to drag Clara off the woman, but before he could there was a bronze point at his throat. "Don't you dare touch her, Grace!" Percy spat as he held Riptide to the throat of his old friend turned enemy, Jason Grace. 

"Everybody stop!" Hazel bellowed, causing everyone to freeze. Hazel never shouted like that. 

"Please, just listen to them," Frank softly pleaded. 

Percy, Thalia, and Clara could only stare at their friends in shock. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Jason and Piper were traitors, and responsible for So much death and destruction. Why would Frank and Hazel side with them? 

"Fine," Percy huffed after sharing a quick glance with Thalia, a glance that seemed to convey a whole conversation. "Explain yourselves," he said as he stepped back and lowered his sword. 

Clara and Thalia moved to stand next to Percy, the former crossing her arms and glaring fiercely, as Jason started their tale. 

Jason and Piper had just returned to their apartment in New Rome after inspecting the progress on the new shrines being built for the minor gods. "Annabeth? What is it?" Jason heard Piper say from the bedroom. 

Quickly walking to the room Jason saw Piper sitting on the edge of the bed, an Iris Message floating in front of her. "I, I figured it out," Annabeth stammered, face white with fear. 

"Figured what out?" Piper asked, confused. 

"The one behind it all," Annabeth whispered before glancing around like she might be caught. 

"Behind what?" Jason demanded. 

"The Titans, the Giants, the death, the destruction, all of it!" 

After a moment Jason and Piper were finally able to process what Annabeth was saying. "Who, who could have betrayed us like this?" 

Annabeth glanced around fearfully before taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Percy," she breathed. "Percy Jackson." 

"And you believed that lying piece of minotaur dung?" Thalia shrieked. 

"Well, no, not at first anyways," Piper hesitantly explained.

"Then what changed?" Percy demanded.

"Annabeth came to visit Camp Jupiter one day, and we agreed to meet with her," Jason said sadly. "She laid everything out for us, all her evidence."

"It honestly sounded like a conspiracy theory at first," Piper interrupted. "We couldn't believe that you were capable of the things she claimed."

"When we showed our doubt Annabeth. . . changed," Jason continued. "I remember her eyes going so dark they were almost black, and some faint wisps of black mist." Percy frowned at this, Ixion had shown control over something similar. “Then, everything went black,” Jason continued. “When we woke up it was like we were in a dream. Everything was foggy, and it felt like we weren’t in control of ourselves.”

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